
第一单元测试 Exercises 姓名_______
I. 根据音标写出下列单词。8%  
1. My ________ /`ʌŋkl / is a sports man.  
2. How ______________ /`strɔŋ/ the man is!  
3. I go to school _______________ / `evrɪ / day.  
4. _______________ / `sʌmtaimz /my father goes to the gym on Monday.  
5. When do you do morning ____________ /`eksəsaiziz/ in the afternoon?  
6. I often write a ______________ /`letə /in the evening.  
7. Do you __________ / `stʌdɪ / English at school?  
8. Dad always reads a / `nju:speɪpə /after dinner.  
II. 找出一个划线部分发音与其他单词不同的单词。4%  
( ) 1. A. cat B. hat C. past
( ) 2. A. love B. duck C. glass  
( ) 3. A. coat B. kilo C. bicycle
( ) 4. A. large B. glad C. guess  
Ⅲ. 选出最佳答案。14 %  
( ) 1. _______ is my favourite colour.  
A. Orange B. Apple C. Fishing D. English  
( ) 2. I’m thirsty. I want some _________.  
A. water B. bread C. toys D. go to bed  
( ) 3. Look. Peter _________ in the playground.  
A. running B. is runing C. is run D. is running  
( ) 4. Look at the lovely cat. It _______ to catch the mice.  
A. like B. dislikes C. likes D. dislike  
( ) 5. My father _________ at school.  
A. teach B. don’t teach C. doesn’t teach D. do teach  
( ) 6. My uncle is a heavy man. The underlined part means ________
A. weak B. clever C. fat D. thin  
( ) 7. Who does the boy look ______? He looks like his father  
A. like B: love C. likes D. /  
( ) 8. A: How many classes have you got in your school? B: __ twenty.  
A. There are B. We are got C. We have got D. They are   
( ) 9. They will ______ to the Mars.  
A. flying B. fly C. flys D. flew  
( ) 10. Julia _____ the games yesterday  
A. wins B. won C. winning D. is winning  
( ) 11. We have a PE lesson ________ Monday afternoon.  
A. in B. at C. / D. on  
( ) 12. The student didn’t________ a wonderful time last weekend.  
A. had B. having C. have D. has   
( ) 13. Mum ______ like outdoor sports now..  
A. didn’t B: does C. doesn’t D. doing  
( ) 14. I’m going to play tennis ________. 
A. in there B. to there C. there D. at there  
IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。6%  
1. It’s half past eleven. The students ____(have) lunch at school.  
2. _________ your uncle_________ (work) for this school ? Yes.  
3. Please ____ (close) the window. It ___________ (rain) outside.  
4. Mr. White likes _____(run). He often _____ (run) in the morning.  
5. Can she ________(have) some tea? Of course.  
6. What ______ your sister______ (do)? She _______ (be) a nurse..  
V. 按要求改写句子。6%  
1. There are seven days in a week.. (对划线部分提问)   
2. Tom has two lessons on Friday afternoon. (对划线部分提问)  
3. That’s a nice picture.(改为感叹句)   
4. She reads picture-books at home. (对划线部分提问)  
5. Tommy usually takes a bath every day. (一般疑问句并否定回答)  
6. She goes to the office on foot every day. (用另外一种形式表达,意思不变)  
Ⅵ. 看中文完成句子。 8 %  
1. October 1st _________________________( 国庆节).  
2. My mother likes _________________(徒步旅行).  
3. They _______________( 去游乐场) every weekend..  
4. Mary always ________________________(记日记) in the evening  
5. My teacher often _________________________( 工作努力).  
6. They _____________________________(赢了这场比赛) last year.  
7. ____________________ ( 我的父母亲) all like sports.   
8. My uncle is a ________________( 胖男人) He is healthy.  
VII. 回答下列问题 。 5%  
1. What’s your favourite food? ________________________  
2. How can you keep healthy? __________________________  
3. Have you got any pets? _________________________  
4. When do you get up every morning? __________________________  
5. What sports does your father like? _________________________ 
Part 3 Reading and Writing  
I. 阅读并选择。  
(A) Mr. Green has a small garden in front of his house. There are lots of flowers in it. But he has only a few trees.  
His neighbour (邻居) Mr. Black has a garden, too. Mr. Black’s garden is smaller than Mr. Green’s garden. He has fewer flowers than Mr. Green but more .trees. 
Mr. Brown is Mr. Green’s another neighbour. Mr. Brown’s garden is the smallest of the three. He has the fewest flowers of them all, but the weeds(杂草) in his garden are the longest. There is always a lot of work in the garden, but Mr. Brown doesn’t have enough time to work in his garden. So his garden is the worst(最坏的,最糟糕的).   
( ) 1. Mr. Green has a small garden in front of his house..  
( ) 2. There are no trees in Mr. Green’s garden..  
( ) 3. Mr. Black is neighbor of Mr. Green..  
( ) 4. Mr. Brown is not Mr. Green’s neighbour.   
( ) 5. Mr. Green’s garden is the smallest of the three.  
(B) A French student goes to London for his holiday. He knows a little English, but he can’t speak very well.  
One day he goes to a restaurant(饭店). He wants to have some eggs, but he can’t remember the English word for “egg”. He looks around and sees a picture of a hen. He shows the picture to the waiter. “What do you call her children?” he asks. “Chicks, sir.” And what do you call chicks before they’re born?” “Eggs, sir.” “Very well,” says the French student. “Bring me two eggs and a cup of tea, please.”   
阅读短文,选择适当的词语,用A、B、C或D 表示,填入括号内。4%  
( ) 1. The French student knows ________ English.  
A. very few B. a little C. a lot of D. a few  
( ) 2. In the restaurant, the French student wants to have _______.  
A. some hens B. some chickens C. some roosters D. some eggs  
( ) 3. He shows __________ to the waiter.  
A. a hen B. a picture C. a chick D. an egg  
( ) 4. What does the French student order at last?  
A. Two chickens B. Two eggs and a cup of tea   
C. Two eggs and a cup of coffee. D. Some chickens   
(C). 在空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,首字母已给,每格一词。5 %  
Our school cafeteria(饭堂) is always very d_____ after a meal. You can see empty(空的) plates and bottles on the t______. You can also s____ some food in bowl here and there. We m_____ do something to stop this. We must tell everyone to f_________ cafeteria rules.
IV. 完成下列对话。4%  
1. A: Must I finish our homework now? B: No, ________ ________.  
2. A: ___________________________? B: He goes to the park by taxi..  
3. A: ___________________________? B: To the zoo..  
4.A:I’m going to the gym to play football.B: _________________________.  
V. 写关于你喜欢的运动,至少6句。 6%
My favourite sport  