

1. Listen and underline the words. (听录音两次,在相应的单词下划线。)
1.Model: (1) My mother has a dictionary.
(2) Mary has a white rabbit.
(3) The boys went ice skating in December.
(4) Ben practiced baseball with his friends yesterday.
(5) My house is cold in winter.
(6) My bedroom was messy yesterday but it is clean now.
2. Listen and number. (听录音两次,给图编号。)
(1) The T-shirt was dry yesterday but it’s wet now.
(2) W: Did the girl and the boy watch TV?
M: Yes, they did.
(3) W: What does the man do?
M: He is a farmer.
(4) W: Where was Miss Lee yesterday?
M: She was in the office.
(5) W: What’s the date today?
M: It’s Dec. 25th.
3. Listen and judge. (听录音两次,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)
I am Tony. I like December. Winter is my favorite season. It’s windy and snowy. My birthday is in December. It’s on December 15th. Hey, do you know what day it is today? That’s right. It’s my birthday! I’m 12 years old today. We’re going to have a party. We need a cake, some fruit and juice. I am very happy today.