
puter flower hobby
4 model ( ) 5 take ( ) 6 stamp ( )
clothes same animal
7 pretty ( ) 8 use ( ) 9 excuse ( )
ship computer music
10 worry ( ) 11 water ( ) 12 any ( )
wrong wash many
二、英汉互译 17分
1 为孩子们拍照 2 喜欢建筑物的图片
3 集邮 4 把它们给她的同学们看
5 做模型船 6 喜欢做衣服
7 那些动物面具 8喜欢这张熊猫邮票
9、看报 10帮她做件件衬衫
11种漂亮的花 12浇树
13 有相同的爱好 14每周
15 有一个有趣的爱好
16 一位漂亮的女孩
17 use these crayons to draw pictures
( ) 1. What’s your hobby? A: I’m in Class 2, Grade 5.
( ) 2. What day is it today? B: I’m five. And you?.
( ) 3. Do you like elephants?C: I like Social Science.
( ) 4. How old are you? D: Yes, I do.
( ) 5. What class are you in?E: This is May speaking.
( ) 6. How do you feel? F: It’s Thursday.
( ) 7. Do you have a PE lesson today?G: No, I don’t. I like small animals.
( ) 8. What subject do you like? H: I feel very hot now.
( ) 9. Do you water the flowers every day? I: I like collecting stamps .
( ) 10. May I speak to May? J: Ye, we do.
四、选择最佳答案 10分
( )1 Do you have ? Yes, I do.
A any hoppies B any hobbies C some hobbies
( )2 I like on the grass.
A siting B sitting C sit
( )3 Nancy is showing to classmates
A. his…her B. him…their C. them…his D. it…her
( )4 Look, these are lovely.
A. animal mask B. animals mask C. animals stamps D. animal stamps
( )5 One of my hobbies .
A. is make B. make C. are making D. is making
( )6 Would you like for me
A. making a coat B. make a coat C. to make a coat D. makes a coat
( )7 Do you like skating?
A. Yes, I like. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I liking. D. Yes, I does.
( )8 you have same hobby? Yes, we all like listening music.
A. Are, the, / B. Do, the, the C. Does, the, / D. Do, the,/
( )9 Don’t again. Please
A. sweeping the floor, having a rest B. sweep the floor, have a rest
C. sweeps the floor, has a rest C. to sweep the floor, have a rest
( )10 Can you show your new telescope me?
A. for B. at C. to D. on
1. (he)hobby is ( fly) kites. Look, he
( buy) a new kite again.
2. Look, this pretty dress is ( my sister doll). It’s (love).
3. Let’s ( watch) TV now.
4. Shall we (go) to see the doctor?
5. What you ? I can (draw) a panda.
6. We ( have) two (library) in our school.
7. The cat (like) (run) after the mouse.
六、连词成句 5分
1. your, any, have, does, father, hobbies (?)

2. I, Jack, have, same, and, hobby, the (.)

3. to, her, showing, Lucy, her, beautiful, is, classmates, picyures (.)

4. absent, Wang Bing, is, today (.)

5. children, buying, for, likes, the Mr Brown, fruit, (.)

七、完成句子 9分
Mr Black Art. She her students .
The boy . He and .
your teacher ?
Yes, she .
Su Hai . She .
Please .
? Yes, .
八、完成对话 6分
A: Hello, Liu Tao likes photos, right?
B: No, he . He his toy cars.
A: he playing now?
B: No, he .
A: What he ?
B: He is clothes his grandmother.
A: Oh, he’s a boy.
八 阅读短文,回答问题。5分
There are five people in Jim’s family. All of them have different hobbies. Jim’sgrandfather likes keeping dogs. He is walking with his dog in the street now. Jim’s grandmother likes going to the park on Sundays. She often takes nice photos in the park.
Look, Jim’s father is reading books in the study. He likes reading and writing. Where’s his mum? Oh, she’s in the kitchen. She’s washing plates and bowls. Jim’s hobby is playing table tennis. He plays table tennis every Saturday afternoon.
1.How many people are there in Jim’s family?

2.What’s Jim’s grandfather doing?

3.Does Jim’s grandmother like taking photos?

4.Where’s Jim mother?

5.What’s Jim’s father’s hobby?

5BUnit3 单元测试卷听力文字稿

1 A:Do you have any hobbies?
B:Yes, I do.
A: Is your hobby drawing pictures?
A:No, my hobby is collecting stamps.
2 A:Hello, Jack.
B:Hello, Wang Tao.
A:Where’s your mother, Wang Tao?
B:Oh, she’s in the garden, I think. She likes growing flowers
very much.
3 A:Do you go shopping every Sunday?
B:Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.
4 A:It’s sunny today. Let’s go fishing in the park.
B:I’m sorry. I don’t like going fishing. I like taking photos. Let’s go and take some photos. OK?
A:OK. Let’s go.
5A:Look at this model plane.
B:Oh, it’s very nice. You like making model planes. Right?
A:No, this is not my model. I like making model ships.
6.A.: Look at the girl, is she washing clothes?
B: No, she is making clothes. She likes making clothes. She can make beautiful dresses for her little sister.
7. A: Does your English teacher have any hobbies?
B: Yes, she does. Her hobby is singing.
8. My mother has many things to do every day. Look she’s washing clothes for us, now.
1 Do you like cooking, Miss Li?
2 Can you make a dress for my doll?
3 Is Yang Ling’s hobby singing?
4 What do you like, Su Hai?
5 Ben, show us your stamps, please.
三、听短文,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表 5分
May and Tom are classmates. They are eleven. They’re in Class Two, Grade Five. May likes collecting flower stamps and keeping goldfish. But Tom likes making model ships and collecting stamps.
Lily is May’s good friend. They’re not in the same class. Lily is in Class Three, Grade Five. But they go home together. Lily likes growing flowers..
All of them like listening to music.
My family and I have a lot of hobbies. I like watching TV. My sister likes playing with her doll. She can make pretty skirts for it. My mother likes going shopping. But my father doesn’t. His hobby is reading science magazines. My
parents’hobby is listening to music in the evening. But My sister and I don’t. We like doing the puzzles and reading storybooks.