
puters in your house? -- __________ three.
A. There are B. There’s C. They’re
( ) 5. --How______ is that blouse? -- Sixty yuan.
A. old B. many C. much
( ) 6. – What _________ in the fridge? -- There are some bottle?
A. is B. are C. do
( ) 7.There ______ some juice in my glass..
A. is B. are C. am
( ) 8.____ Sundays, We can Watch TV ______ the evening.
A. In ,on B. On, in C. At, in
( ) 9.There is______ map of China on the wall.
A. any B. a C. some
( ) 10.I can see _____ umbrella behind the door. It’s _____ yellow umbrella.
A. a, an B. an, a C. an, an
( ) 11. I can _____ the guitar. I like _____ the guitar .
A. play, play B. play, playing C. playing, play
( ) 12. -- What would you like? -- ____________.
A. I like some pears. B. I’ll like some bananas. C. I’d like some grapes.
( ) 13.Is there a park ______ your house?
A. in B. on C. near
( ) 14.Sometimes I watch TV in the afternoon, but my parents______.
A. not B. aren’t C. don’t
( ) 15._____ can _____ do? She can play the piano.
A. What he B. What she C. What’s she
五、 找出错误,并在横线上改正。(10分)
( ) 1、There aren’t some trees in the park.
( ) 2、 Is there a puppet on the table ? Yes, there’s.
( ) 3、 What are you like?
( ) 4、He can play football and she can play guitar .
( ) 5、What behind the desk? There’s a chair.
六、根据所给首字母提示,填入适当的单词完成下面的短文 (5分)
There i a big supermarket n my home. Today is Sunday ,my parents and I are i the supermarket. We w like to buy a big cake
f my grandpa’s birthday.
七、阅读理解 (10分)
A 判断对错(对的打T,错的打F)
This is Ben’s new bedroom. There’s a bid bed in it. There’s a desk and a chair near the bed. On the desk, there are some books, a pencil case and a lamp. There’s a bookcase near the door. There are some photos in the bookcase. Look, Ben’s clothes are behind the door, but his shoes and socks are under the bed. We can see a football under the chair.
( ) 1、There’s a bookcase, a desk, a chair and a bed in Ben’s bedroom.
( ) 2、The bookcase in near the window.
( ) 3、There are some photos on the desk.
( ) 4、The football is under the chair.
( ) 5、Ben’s clothes are on the bed.
B. 根据短文内容,选出正确的答案。
It’s a rainy(下雨) day. It’s time to go home now. I am in a bus. A woman with a dog gets on the bus. It is a big dog and his feet are dirty(脏的). I don’t want to sit beside the dog. But the woman says to the driver, “Oh, I pay for(付钱) my dog. Can he sit here like the other people?” The driver looks at the dog and says, “ Yes, madam. But like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair.”
( ) 1. I am going home _________ now.
A. by bike B. by car C. by bus
( ) 2. What do I see?
A. A dog B. A bus C. A woman with a dog
( ) 3. I don’t want the dog sit near me, because ___________.
A. the dog is small B. the dog is not clean C. it isn’t my dog
( ) 4. – Why do the woman and the dog in the bus? -- Because ______.
A. it is a rainy day B. the dog can sit on the chair C. the woman is tired
( ) 5. The meaning(意思) of the driver’s word is __________
A. the dog must do as a man
B. the dog can sit here
C. the dog must not sit on the chair
1. 厕所的附近有一些自行车吗?是的,有三辆。
____________ there __________ bikes near the _________?
Yes, ________ three.
2. 学生们正在上一节音乐课。
The __________ are __________ a Music _________.
_________ like to _______ some _________ for the party.

1、pumpkin 2、pig 3、house 4、dining-room
5、family 6、skiing 7、listen 8、slide
9、make a model plane 10、play the guitar

1、 Are there any computers in the library?
2、 What’s in the park?
3、 What can Nancy do?
4、 Do you like masks?
5、 Any thing else?

1、A: Look, is that your mask?
B: No, it isn’t. It’s my sister’s.
Q: Whose mask is it?
2、A: What can you see in the street?
B: I can see some flowers and trees.
Q: Can you see any flowers and trees?
3、A: I’d like a mask and a vase. How much?
B: The mask is fifteen yuan , and the vase is thirty yuan.
Q: How much are they?
4、A: Can I help you?
B: Some pumpkins, please.
Q: What do they need?
5、A: Do you like ducks, David?
B: No, I don’t. I like horses.
Q: Dose David like ducks?

1、parents sitting-room
3、computer study