
e / comes) back?
4. _______ (Did / Were) you at school yesterday?
5. That man _______ (wasn’t / didn’t) happy this morning.
6. Linda ________ (wasn’t / didn’t) feel well last night.
7. We _______ (weren’t / didn’t) have a history lesson yesterday morning.
8. My wife ______ (can’t / isn’t) go to work because she _____ (doesn’t / isn’t) feel well.
9. I _______ (called / call) you this morning, but you _______ (was / were) not in.
10. _______ (Does / Did) she play computer games last night?
11. Thank you _______ (to / for) your call.
12. She has a fever ________ (in / \ ) this morning.
13. A: __________ (Are you, Is that) the railway station? B: Yes. Can I help you?
14. She’s not in. Would you please call again ________ (late / later)?
15. She’ll come back ________ (at / when) diner time.