ArtPeriod6 SummingUp,LearningTipandAssessment

useful adjectives and adverbs:abstract,faithfully,conventional,typical,evident,superb,ridiculous,controversial,specific,delicate,allergic,aggressive,fragile,visual,fragrant,contemporary,permanent
useful expressions:by coincidence,a great deal,on the other hand
new grammar item:Subjunctive Mood
?Step 4 Practice
Show the exercises on the screen or give out exercise papers.
Ⅰ.Word spelling:
1.This novel is ______(典型的)of his early work and many people want to buy it.
2.What a fine tree-lined ______(林荫道)! While walking on it,you can enjoy the fresh air.
3.There will be an exhibition of ______(当代的)Japanese prints on Sunday.
4.It is bad manners for some tourists to ______(刻记)their names on the trees.
5.Is this program meant for a ______(特定的)age-group?
6.As the couple had no children of their own,they a______ a girl who was four years old.
7.He lost all his p______ in the big fire and became penniless.
8.The modern s______ in the centre of the square has become the talk of the town.
9.The big tree in front of our house casts its s______ on the wall.
10.The heavy rain had been p______ several days before.
Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Use each expression only once and make changes where necessary.
appeal to by coincidence as well as scores of more than a great deal on the other hand be eager to attempt to in the flesh
1.This idea ______ the women at the meeting which was held yesterday.
2.I've got all her records and seen her performance on television,but I've never met her ______.
3.We all know that communication is ______listening and speaking.
4.The father ______ see a doctor about his daughter's cut.
5.On the one hand,I believe that he can do the job,but ______,I still worried about him.
6.______ people attended the performance yesterday.
7.Reading English newspapers can increase our vocabulary ______ keep us informed of the latest news from all over the world.
8.I hear that you are going to the supermarket.______I will go too,so let's go together.
9.Juliana has changed ______ since I saw her last year.
10.I ______ open the locked door,but I failed at last.
Ⅲ.Complete the following sentences according to the sample English sentences and the Chinese given.
1.Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.
In front of our school ____________(有一条大河).
2.At the time they were created,the Impressionist paintings were controversial,but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we call “modern art”.
A park has been built in ____________(十年前曾是一个工厂的地方).
3.There are scores of modern art styles,but without the Impressionists,many of these painting styles might not exist.
4.Their paintings were not as detailed as those of earlier painters.
The weather in the north is ________________(不如南方的天气那么热).
5.When you walk into the gallery,you feel as if you were inside a fragile,white seashell.
The boy talked to us ________________(像个成年人似的).
Ⅳ.Multiple choice
1.I ______ you a beautiful present for your birthday,but I was short of money at that time.
A.would buy              
B.had bought
C.would like to have bought  
D.must have bought
2.I lost your address,otherwise I ______ you long before.
A.had visited     B.have visited
C.would have visited   D.should visit
3.______ he come,the problem would be settled.
A.Would      B.Should      C.Shall       D.If
4.______ the fog,we should have reached our school on time.
A.Because of   B.In spite of
C.In case of    D.But for
5.If I ______ you,I ______ more attention to English idioms and phrases.
A.was;shall pay;will pay
C.would be;would pay  D.were;would pay
6.―It's really a miracle! You're still alive at all after such a terrible accident!
―Thank goodness! But for the stick of the tree branch,I ______.
A.would have been killed   B.had been killed killed     D.was killed
7.______ today,he would get there by Friday.
A.Would he leave  B.Was he leaving
C.Were he to leave  D.If he leave
8.We ______ the work on time without your help.
A.hadn't had finished  B.didn't have finished
C.couldn't have finished  D.can't have finished
9.I don't think he will attend the party,and ______ he attend it what would he wear?
A.were  B.had
C.should  D.did
10.―Where ______?
― I got stuck in the heavy traffic,or I ______here earlier.
A.did you go;had arrived 
B.are you;would come
C.were you;would come  
D.have you been;would have been
First get the students to do the exercises.Then the answers are given.The teacher can give them explanations where necessary.
Suggested answers:
Ⅰ.1.typical 2.avenue 3.contemporary 4.carve 5.specific 6.adopted 7.possessions 8.sculpture 9.shadow 10.predicted
Ⅱ.1.appealed to the flesh 3.more than 4.was eager to 5.on the other hand
6.Scores of well as 8.By coincidence 9.a great deal 10.attempted to
Ⅲ.1.lies a big river 2.what was once a factory ten years ago 3.Without your help,this plan wouldn't be carried out successfully 4.not as hot as that in the south if he were a grown-up
Ⅳ.1~5 CCBDD 6~10 ACCCD
?Step 5 Learning tip
Ask the students to turn to Page 8.Read through the passage and make sure they understand it.Encourage them to do as the passage tells because if they are doing so they will be teaching themselves a useful way of learning.
?Step 6 Assessment
1.Checking yourself(on Page 47 in the Workbook)
First get the students to think about these questions individually.Then they can discuss in groups sharing their experience.The teacher can join in and give them advice and suggestions where necessary.
2.Testing assessment
Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given.
1.If you ______(arrive)ten minutes earlier,you could have seen them off.
2.It's time that we ______(go)to the railway station.
3.If they ______(not help)us,our experiment would have failed.
4.You're five minutes late.I suggested that you ______(come)earlier tomorrow.
5.Mother often tells us that it is necessary that we ______(drink)a glass of water after we get up.
6.She insisted that she ______(send)to work in the faraway small town.
7.______ I not ______(forget)his telephone number,I would have rung him.
8.He is busy now.If he ______(be)free,he______(go)with you.
9.The manager was in his office then.If he ______(be)here,everything ______(settle)in a minute.
10.Noisy as it was,he went on reading as if nothing ______(happen).
Ⅱ.Rewrite the following sentences according to the patterns given.
1.It is necessary for college students to master at least one foreign language.
It is necessary ______ college students ______ ______ at least one foreign language.
2.Without sunlight,there would be neither plants nor animals.
______ ______ ______ ______ sunlight,there would be neither plants nor animals.
3.She insisted on translating the sentence this way.
She insisted that the sentence ______ ______ ______ this way.
4.The students suggested going there on foot.
The students suggested ______ ______ there on foot.
5.She suggested that we should go to his help.
______ ______is that we ______ to his help.
6.Lucy didn't come to class today because she didn't feel well.
______ she ______ well,Lucy ______ ______ ______ to class today.
7.I don't know French,so I can't talk to the French friends.
If I ______French,I could talk to the French friends.
8.He didn't take his parents' advice and he is not a college student now.
If he ______ ______ his parents' advice,he ______ ______ a college student now.
9.The professor helped me a lot and I finished the work.
I couldn't ______ ______ the work ______ the professor's help.
Suggested answers:
Ⅰ.1.had arrived 2.went/should go 3.had not helped 4.(should)come5.(should)drink 6.(should)be sent 7.Had;forgotten 8.were;would go 9.had been;would have been settled 10.were happening
Ⅱ.1.that;should master 2.If there were no 3.should be translated 4.they go5.Her suggestion;go 6.Had;felt;would have come 7.knew 8.had taken;would be9.have finished;without
?Step 7 Homework
1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.
2.Review and summarize what you have learned in Unit 1.
?Step 8 Reflection after teaching