
(二) 单元目标 ( Unit Target )
(二)单元重点 ( Unit Points )
be born into, devote oneself to, come up with, get involved in, manage to, succeed in, make contributions to, for sure, care for, nothing more than.
Hybrid rice, FAO, grain output, grain shortage, pioneering work

2. 功能:
1) Giving examples Talking about success 参考课文120页Useful language
Achievements provide the only real pleasure in life.
You have to believe in yourself, that’s the secret of success.
To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and true success is to labor.
Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it.
2) Inversion (倒装句)
●There goes the bell.
●So will I

二、教学设计 ( Teaching Designs )
1 Reading作为课文的引入教 师可事先让学生通过网络、图书馆等资源收集关于袁隆平的材料。教师可利用“头脑风暴”教学手段结合小组合作方式让学生列出关于袁隆平的尽可能多的事迹。既加深了学生对科学家本身的了解又可引出一些科学术语。
2 Listening作为教 材第99页的听力部分,可让学生了解Benjamin Franklin的生活和成长经历。同时建议教师可利用上海外语教育出版社的《英语(新世纪版)听力》,开展相关主题的听力活动作为对教材的补充。课文99页listening practice部分
3 Speaking以“杰出的成就”为主题设计口语活动。
活动四:Guess work――Guess who it is?
[链接2]口语活动的一些具体教学建议课文91页Picture talk部分; 课文101页Further practice部分
4 Writing以“现代科技让我们的生活更加美好”为题写一篇文章,用到persuasive paragraph.课文102页Writing部分
5 Structure倒装句是本课的语法教学内容,教师可通过“句型操练”和“习题巩固”两个层次循序渐进使枯燥的语法讲解与学生的实际应用相结合。
Reading本部分与Unit 6内容直接相关,建议放在最后一课。
本课出现的重要词汇与词组:tend, despite, normal, demonstrate, act on, related … to …, keep … from doing, struggle to do.
[链接4] 科学知识拓展课文105页Additional reading部分



1. 教师在黑板上展示如图的图表;

3. 在“头脑风暴”过程中,记录者记录组内成员能想到的所有相关词汇。


Picture 1 He is the famous scientist Yuan Longping, known as the “father of hybrid rice”.
Picture 2 A robot and an electric dog are performing on the stage.
Picture 3 The flying of rocket is based on Newton’s law: “Equal and Opposite”.

教师罗列学生所搜集的词汇:determination, diligence, devotion, perseverance, creativity, hard work, courage, wisdom, inspiration, fortune, calmness…


1.He was known as the wizard. He invented more than a thousand devices in his lifetime. Many were important in the creation of the electrical systems we use today. The best known of his inventions is the electric light bulb. In addition to being a great inventor, he was also a clever business man.(Thomas Edison)
2.She was very successful as a scientist of physics. She was the discoverer of polonium and radium, for which she became the first scientist to receive 2 Nobel Prizes. However, what struck us most was not her great achievements but her courage and determination. (Madame Curie)
3.He was born in the town of Pisa in Italy in the year 1564. He was a very clever man and was interested in the study of the stars. He was not liked by some of the scientists in those days because he sometimes proved them wrong .they believed, for example, that a heavy object fell faster than a light one .But he went up to the top of a tower and from there he dropped 2 objects, a light one and a heavy one at the same time. They hit the ground tighter. So he proved those scientists to be wrong. (Galileo)
4.In the early 20th century a Scottish scientist discovered “magic bullets” that would destroy only the bacteria which damaged healthy cells and leave the rest of the body cells alone. This magic bullet was antibiotic-called penicillin which changed medical science forever. (Alexander Fleming)
5.He was born in England in1809. He wasn’t the best student in his school, but when he was 16, his father sent him to medical school. He liked spending time outdoors observing nature more than attending medical classes. He dropped out without graduating. Later his father sent him to school to become a minister. This time he made it to graduation, but he didn’t want to do the work of a minister. After that he was invited to sail to South America and then around the world. The crew’s mission was to make maps of the places they visited. But he collected lots of plants animals to take back of study during this time. More than 20 years after his trip, he published an important scientific paper on how some animals have adaptations that help them survive. (Darwin)
6.He was an American scientist. He was born in Scotland. As a child he showed much interest in the world around him and liked to ask questions. He was so talented that he was admitted to Edinburgh University when he was only sixteen. During his life, he made more than 30 great inventions; the telephone which is so widely used today was just one of them. (Bell)
7.About 250 B.C., he had to solve a problem for the king. To solve the problem, he had to find the volume of the king’s crown. Because the crown had an irregular shape, he couldn’t make the measurement. Then one day he noticed that when he got into the tub, the water level in the tub rose. His body displaced, or pushed away water in the tub. He realized how to find the volume of the crown. He could put it into a container of water and measure how much water it displaced. Then he solved the problem for the king. (Aristotle)

1. ____, mother will wait for him.
A. However late is he B. However he is late
C. However is he late D. However late he is
2. Not until all the fish in the river died_____ how serious the pollution was.
A. did the villagers realize
B. the villagers realized
C. the villagers did realize
D. didn’t the villagers realize 3.―Do you know Jim quarrel with his brother?
―I don’t know, _______.
A.nor don’t I care B. nor do I care
C. I don’t care neither D. I don’t care also
4. Only by practicing every day _____ be able to make it perfect.
A.you can B. can you C. you will D. will you 5.Hardly ____ when the lecture began.
A. had he arrived B. arrived he
C. he had arrived D. did he arrive
6. Jack is a student and studies at the No. 1 Middle School. _____.
A. It was the same with Mike B.So it is with Mike
C. So is Mike D. So does Mike 7.______ I had time, I would have gone to that lake again.
A. If B. Unless C. Had D. When 8. ______ I would see him here.
A.Little I dreamed B. Little do I dream
C. I dreamed little D. Little did I dream 9.______ that I couldn’t be absorbed in the task.
A. They made such talked
B. So loudly they talked
C. It was noise outside
D. Such a loud noise did they make 10. On a hill in front of us _____.
A. stands a great castle B. a great castle stands
C. stand a great castle D. a great castle stand


1. Which three Chinese physics scientists share the same family name? (Qian Xueshen, Qian Sanqiang, Qian Weichang)
2. Being with a beautiful girl for two hours seems to be only two minutes; but sitting on a hot stove for two minutes seems to be two hours. Who said this? (Einstein--- Theory of Relativity)
3. What’s the definition of science of physics (Mass and Matter)?
4. What do letters ‘E’, ‘M’ and ‘C’ in this formula E=MC2 stand for ? (Energy, mass, constant)
5. What are the four great inventions of ancient China? (Papermaking, commercial printing, gunpowder, and the compass.)
6. A Russian chemist named Dmitry Mendeleev came up with a way to organize the elements that is still used by scientists today. What is it? (The periodic table)
7. Please use what you learned to explain the following phenomenon?
Why does the apple fall down not go up? (Gravity)
8. At a business meeting each person shook hands with every other person exactly once. If there were fifteen hand-shakes, can you tell how many people attended the meeting? (Six)