
听力部分 (50分)
Ⅰ、听一听, 选一选。
( )1. A. B. C.

( )2. A. B. C.

( )3. A. B. C.

( )4. A. B. C.

( )5. A. B. C.

Ⅱ、听一听, 排一排。

A. B. C. D.

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________
Ⅲ、 听一听, 辨一辨。
( ) 1.A. It's nice.
B. Yes, it is.

( ) 2. A. Yes. H***e you are.
B. Thanks, Mum.

( ) 3. A. No, I haven’t.
B. Yes, I have.

( ) 4. A. These are stone monkeys.
B. Th***e are 2.

( ) 5. A. I’m going to be a bus driv***.
B.My fath*** is a taxi driv***.

Ⅳ、听一听, 连一连。

1、I like English. It’s ______________ to ***arn English.
2、Amy is _____________. She’s got a ______________.
3、I’m going to ___________ the Ming Tombs on ________________.
4、We’re going to swim in the _____________.
5、Th***e are two _____________ in my family.
6、Amy’s shorts are _____________.

笔试部分 (50分)

How many peop*** are th***e in your family?

(   )1、These ducks __________ v***y naughty.
A. is B. are
(   )2、A: Can I come in ? B:______________.
A. Yes, I can. B. Yes , p***ase.
(   )3、This is __________shirt.
A 、Sam B、Sam’ C、Sam’s
(   )4、I can __________ far, but I can’t ________ fast.
A. jump , run B. jumping , running
(   )5、P***ase be quiet! Dad ______ working in the room.
A. am B. is C. are
(   )6、I ________ got a new kite.   
A. have B. has
( )7、Th***e _________ 20 girls in my class.
A. am B. is C. are
( )8、A:_________ are you going , Xiaoyong ?
B: I’ m going to go to Hong Kong.
A、 What B、Wh***e C 、How
Ⅷ、情景反应, 连连看。
1、What are you going to do ? A 、No, I can’t.
2、Can you run fast? B 、I’m going to do long jump.
3、How many books are th***e? C、 I’m watching TV.
4、Has he got a test today? D、 Th***e are three.
5、What are you doing ? E 、No, he hasn’t.
Ⅸ、根据所给语境, 选填单词补全下列句子。

1、A: What are ____________? B: They’re dragon boats.
2、Th***e is an _____________. And th***e is a camel.
3、My fath*** is a tall ___________.
4、Don’t ___________. Let’s fix the kite!
5、I’m hungry. Can I have these____________, p***ase?
Ⅹ、阅读理解,根据短文内容判定正( T )误( F )。
Hello! My name is Amy. I can jump high, and I can jump far, but I can’t run fast. On Sports Day, I’m going to do high jump. Sam can jump far and jump high, too. And he’s going to do long jump. Daming can’t jump far, but he can run fast. He’s going to run a race.
( ) 1、 Amy can run fast.
( ) 2、 Amy is going to do high jump.
( ) 3、 Sam is going to do high jump,too.
( ) 4、 Daming can run fast.
( ) 5、In this short passage (在这篇短文中) , th***e is one boy,
and th***e are two girls.
Ⅰ、听一听, 选一选。(听音,选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片。)
1.Th***e is a horse.
2. I can use a knife.
3. I ’m eating a hamburg***.
4.This bird can’t fly.
5. We’re *** a cake.

Ⅱ、听一听, 排一排。(听句子,根据所听内容将下列图片排序。)
1. He can jump far.
2. Chopsticks are hard for English peop***.
3. They are going to play basketball on Saturday.
4. Th***e are two children in the boat. They are feeding ducks.

Ⅲ、听一听, 辨一辨。(认真看图,细听问句,选出正确的答句。)
1. I like nood***s. Is it Chinese fast food ?
2. Can I have an ice cream, p***ase?
3. Have you got a headache?
4. How many stone monkeys are th***e?
5. What are you going to be, Daming?
Ⅳ、听一听, 连一连。(听音识图,把上下相关的图片用线连起来。)
1、Hello, I’m Daming . I’m going to be a doctor.
2、A: Are you going to see Sun Wukong , Amy?
B: Yes, I am .
3、Lingling has got a pet cat.
4、A: It’s a pig. Can you draw it, Sam ?
B: Yes , I can .
5、Lanlan is playing with a bird .

Ⅴ、听一听, 补一补 。(听音补全句子,填进所缺单词。)
1、I like English. It’s ____ easy _____ to ***arn English.
2、Amy is ____ ill _____. She’s got a _____ cold _____.
3、I’m going to _____ visit ______ the Ming Tombs on _____ Friday_______.
4、We’re going to swim in the ______ sea _______.
5、Th***e are two ______ women _______ in my family.
6、Amy’s shorts are _____ wet ________.


Ⅰ、(2X5=10分) BCCCB
Ⅱ、(3X4=12分) 1~4:CABD
Ⅲ、(2X5=10分) BABBA
Amy ------Sun Wukong , Lingling----- cat , Lanlan -----bird ,
Sam-----pig , Daming------ doctor
Ⅴ、(1X8=8分) 答案略。(详见听力题签)
(备注:Friday和 women这2个单词,画有"—"的部分假如没有形式的变化将扣0.5分, 其余单词必须完全拼写正确方可得1分。)

Ⅵ、( 3+1=4分) 答案略。(教师自行把握赋分标准)
Ⅶ、(2X8=16分) BBCAB ACB
Ⅷ、(2X5=10分) 1---B , 2----A , 3----D , 4-----E , 5----C
Ⅸ、(2X5=10分) 1.those , 2.e***phant , 3. man, 4.worry , 5. biscuits
Ⅹ、(2X5=10分) F T F T F

