

题 号听 力 部 分50笔 试 部 分50总 分
得 分
Part 1 Listening Practice 50% (听力部分)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2. juice ice cream jelly biscuit cola
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

III.圈出听到的单词或句子,圈在代号上: 10%
1. A. boyB. ball2. A. kiteB. cat
3. A. rabbitB. rubber4. A. fourB. five
5. A. noodlesB. soup6. A. niceB. nine
7. A. Do you like biscuits? B. Do you like bicycles?
8. A. Touch the flower. B. Smell the flower.
9. A. What do you hear? I hear a cat. B. What do you hear? I hear a hen.
10. A. What colour is the bird? It’s green. B. What colour is the frog? It’s green.

( ) ( ) ( )
V. 听录音,将下列人物与他们喜欢的东西用线连起来: 5%

VI、听录音给下列句子编号: 6%
( ) What do you like?
( ) Here you are.
( ) Happy birthday, Eddie!
( ) Do you like biscuits?
( ) Thank you.
VII、听音,选择恰当的应答句,将它的代号填在前面的括号内: 5%
( ) 1. A. I see a bear.B. I hear a bear.
( ) 2.A. Noodles, please. B. Yes, it is.
( ) 3. A. Yes, I like biscuits. B. No, I like biscuits.
( ) 4. A. It’s nice. B. It’s yummy.
( ) 5. A. It’s a red flower.B. It’s red.
Par t 2 Written practice 50% (笔试部分)
I. 看图圈出下列单词: 10%
hen colabiscuitsjellyball



II. 选出不属于同一类的单词,将代号填在前面的括号内:7%
( ) 1. A. nine B. eight C. seven D. nice
( ) 2. A. doll B. dog C. ball D. bicycle
( ) 3. A. biscuitB. likeC. jellyD. sweet
( ) 4. A. taste B. small C. smell D. touch
( ) 5. A. tiger B. hen C. bear D. lion
( ) 6. A. cola B. juice C. cold D. milk
( ) 7. A. niceB. sweet C. coldD. taste
III. 看图,读句子,图片与句子相符的打√,不符的打×:5%

1. I see a biscuit. ( )
2. Jelly, please.( )

3. Is it a hen? No, it’s a chick. ( )

4. What do you like? I like balls. ( )

5. Drink some water. ( )

IV. 勾出与图片意思相符的句子,将代号写在前面的括号内:10%
( ) 1. A. I like hamburgers. ( ) 2. A. I see a kite.
B. I like noodles. B. I see a cat.
( ) 3. A. I hear a hen. ( ) 4. A. Drink some milk.
B. I hear a pig. B. Drink some cola.
( ) 5. A. How many ducks? Many ducks.
B. How many ducks? One duck.
V. 选出最合适的答案,圈在字母代号上:8%
1. I ________ biscuits. A. am B. like
2. Here ________ are. A. you B. your
3. __________ the sweet. It’s sweet. A. Taste B. smell
4. I like my _________. It’s nice. A. doll B. dolls
5. I like ____________. A. sweet B. sweets
6. Can I help you? ________, please. A. SweetsB. Sweet
7. How many biscuits? ______. A. One biscuit B. Two biscuits
8. You are a good __________, Alice. A. girl B. boy
VI. 应答句配对,把编号写在前面的括号内:5%
( ) 1. Do you like cola? A. Thank you.
( ) 2. Can I help you? B. I like cola.
( ) 3. What do you see? C. No, I like jucie.
( ) 4. Happy Birthday.D. Cola, please.
( ) 5. What do you like?E. I see cola.
VII. 阅读短文,并在相应的空格里打√:5%
Hello, I am Danny. I like sweets very much. I like cola and jelly, too. This is my friend Sam. He is thin. He likes biscuits. He likes ice cream too, because it is cold and sweet.
biscuitscolajellysweetice cream

1.I like the doll. It’s nice. B 2. Is this a dog? No, it’s a cat. B
3. What do you like? I like cola. A 4. I like to eat rice. Yummy, yummy. A
5. Kitty, smell the flower. B 6. I see a rabbit. It’s white. A
7. Taste the ice cream. Yummy, yummy. A 8. What’s this? It’s a biscuit. B
1.cow, pig, monkey, bird, dog (4, 2, 5, 3, 1)
2.biscuit, jelly, cola, ice cream, juice (5, 4, 2, 1, 3)
III.圈出听到的单词或句子,圈在代号上: 10%
1. I can see a ball. It’s nice. B 2. Look at the kite. It’s in the sky. A
3. What’s that? It’s a rubber. B 4. How many dolls? Five dolls. B.
5. Taste the noodles. Yummy, yummy. 6. Smell the soup. It’s nice. A.
7. Do you like bicycles? B. 8. Touch the flower. A.
9. What do you hear? I hear a hen. B. 10. What colour is the frog? It’s green.
IV. 听音判断,与图片相符的用√表示,不符的用×表示:6%
1.That’s a sweet.√ 2. I like my kite. It’s nice.×
3. The ice cream is cold.√ 4. Drink some juice.×
I see two frogs.× 6. How many bananas? Six.√
V. 听录音,将下列人物与他们喜欢的东西用线连起来。5%
1. I’m mother. I like to drink water. 2. I’m Grandmother. I like to eat the ice-cream.
3. I’m Grandfather. I like the rice. 4. I’m Tom. I like cola.
5. I’m Miss Fang. I like to drink milk.
VI、听录音给下列句子编号: 6%
Happy birthday, Eddie! Thank you. What do you like? Do you like biscuits? No, I like ice cream. Here you are. 5, 3,6,1,4,2
VI. 听音,选择恰当的应答句,圈在代号上: 4%
1. What do you see?A 2. Can I help you?A
3.Do you like ice cream? B 4. Taste the noodles. B
5. What’s that?