
The final Exam of Grade One (2013.1)
Name_________ Class________ NO.
1.Listening Part (50%)
Part1: Listen and number (10%)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Part2: Listen and tick √ or cross ×(10%)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Part3: Listen and match(10%)

green purple pink yellow orange
Part4: Listen and write the number(10%)
1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4._______ 5________
6._______ 7. _______ 8._______ 9._______ 10. _______
Part5: Listen and colour(10%)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

2.Writing Part(50%)
Part1. Read and write the letters.( 写出字母的大小写) (10%)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part2. Read and match.( 找朋友,连线 )(10%)
1. Is it a baseball? I like grapes.
2. What’s your favorite fruit? I’m eight.
3. How old are you? Yes, it is.
4. Would you like a peach? Seven.
5. How many rabbits? No, thanks.
Part3. Look, read and tick √ or cross × .( 看图,判断对错 )(10%)
1. This is a door. ( )
2.This is a crayon. ( )
3.This is a turtle. ( )
4.This is a grape. ( )
5.This is a chicken. ( )
6.This is a sheep. ( )

7.This is a baseball. ( )
8.This is a horse. ( )
9. There are desk. ( )
10.This is a balloon. ( )

Part4. Read and choose ( 选择 ) (10%)
( )1. This is our__________
A. teacher B. classroom
( )2. Where’s the cat?
A. It’s on the box B. It’s under the box
( )3. What would you like?
A.I want some coconuts, please. B. Yes, please.
( )4. How old are you?
A. I’m five B. I’m fine.
( )5.six + four =___________
A. five B. ten
( ) 6.It’s a panda.
A. white and blue B. white and black
( ) 7. A. cow B. panda C. horse
( ) 8. A. orange B. lemon C. mango
( ) 9. A. eraser B. crayon C. pencil-case

( ) 10. A. pear B. peach C. pineapple