3A Module 4 The natural world听力测试卷

e___________________No._________ Mark________
Part I Listening (听力部分) 40%
I. Listen and choose (选出你所听到的单词或词组,把序号填在前面的括号内) 10%
( ) 1. A. plant B. play C. plate
( ) 2. A. ***af B. read C. red
( ) 3. A. boat B. root C. book
( ) 4. A. pink B. pig C. big
( ) 5. A. chicken B. chick C. duck
( ) 6. A. put on B. put off C. pick up
( ) 7. A. small ant B. small root C. small cat
( ) 8. A. count butt***flies B. count ladybirds C. count plants
( ) 9. A. th***e areB. they areC. they’re
( ) 10. A. some budsB. some birdsC. sunny days

II. Listen and choose (听音,选择正确的应答句,把序号填在前面的括号内) 10%
( ) 1. A. It’s a dog.B. That’s a bee.C. This is a flow***.
( ) 2. A. Th***e are ants.B. It’s a ***af.C. They’re ***aves.
( ) 3. A. Four flies.B. Five flow***s.C. Five plants.
( ) 4. A. No, it isn’t.B. Yes, it has.C. No, it can’t.
( ) 5. A. It’s blue and green.B. They’re blue and green.C. Yes, it is.
( ) 6. A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, she is.C. Yes, they are.
( ) 7. A. They’re red.B. They’re red flow***s.C. It’s red.
( ) 8. A. Yes, p***ase.B. OK.C. Thank you.
( ) 9. A. It has four ***gs.B. They have six ***gs.C. It has six ***gs.
( ) 10. A. I’m OK.B. Thank you.C. You’re welcome.

III. Listen and judge (听录音,判定下列图片是否与听到的内容相符, 相符的用“√”表示, 不相符的用“×”表示) 8%
1. 2. 3. 4.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
5. 6. 7. 8.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

IV. Listen and write (听录音,将下列短文填写完整) 8%
Mr Wang is a farm***. He _________ a farm. Look! Th***e are many _________ and farm animals on the farm. They are __________. They are swimming. _________ hens. They are playing __________ the chicks. I can see many ____________. Th***e are many __________ on them. They can make honey. Mr Wang is happy ev***y ________.
新课 标第一 网
V. Listen and choose (听录音,选正确的答案,把序号填在前面的括号内) 4%
( ) 1. Ken’s unc*** has a _______.
A. schoolB. farmC. garden
( ) 2. Th***e are _______ app*** trees in the garden.
A. twoB. threeC. four
( ) 3. I can see _______ on the roses.
A. beesB. butt***fliesC. birds
( ) 4. In the garden, my favourite plant is ________.
A. orange treesB. rosesC. sunflow***s

Part II Writing (书写阅读部分) 60%
I. Copy (正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子, 留意大小写变化和标点符号) 5%
look at the insect whats this eddie its a ladybird

II. Read and judge (读一读,判定发音,用T或F表示) 6%
1. tab*** app*** ( ) 2. look root ( )
3. we insect ( ) 4. ride sist*** ( )
5. pupil new ( ) 6. moth*** shop ( )

III. Read and write (填进恰当的词,完成句子,首字母已给) 7%
1.Look at the insect. What is it? It’s a b___________. It can fly. It is b___________.
2.Look at the plant. It has some l____________. They are green. It has many b__________. They are long. The r_________ are thin and brown.
3.I can see a small bee on the f___________. It can m__________ honey.

IV. Choose the best answ*** (选择填空) 10%新课 标第 一 网
( )1.What ________ the animal got? A head, a body and two ***gs.
( )2.Is this ______ card? No, it’s ________ card.
( )3.This is Ben. _______ eyes are big.
( )4.Can I help you? May I have ______ oranges?
( )5.________ is he? He’s my friend.
( )6.What colour are the pears? They are _______.
A.yellowB.yellow pearsC.pears
( )7.The girls like ________ a flow***. They can ________ well.
( )9.Look at the ladybird. _______ yellow and blue.
A.It hasB.It isC.They are
( )10.The _______ is an insect.

V. Read, choose and write (读一读,选择最合适的词填空) 5%

It’s a _______ day. We go to the park. Th***e are many ______________ in it. They like singing and _________ und*** the tree. Look at the kite in the sky. It is blue. The boat is ________ the wat***. I like this boat. Th***e are many trees and _________ in the park. The park is nice. I like it v***y much.

VI. Read and write (按要求改变句子)14%
1.My ball is red.(划线提问)
_______ __________ is ________ ball?
2.The plant has got green ***aves. (划线提问)
_______ ______ the plant ___________?
3.Have your sist***s any plants?(肯定句)
________ sist***s _________ __________ plants.
4.Alice is und*** the tree. (划线提问)
__________ Alice?
5.They like sweet app***s. (否定句)
They __________ __________ sweet app***s.
6.Our teach*** can jump high. (一般疑问句)
________ _________ teach*** jump high?

VII. Read and answ*** (阅读短文,判定,用T或F表示,假如是错误的,请划出错误之处,并在后面的横线上写上正确的答案) 8%
My name is Mary. I’m a thin girl. John is my broth***. He’s twelve years old. He’s tall and thin. Now we are in the park. Th***e are many beautiful flow***s and trees in it. Look at the plant. It has a long stalk.(茎) It has eight ***aves. It has four flow***s. The flow***s are pink. Th***e are two bees on it. John and I like the plant v***y much. www.xkb1.com
( ) 1. I like the plant v***y much. ____________________________________
( ) 2. John is twelve. He’s not tall. ____________________________________
( ) 3. The plant has a long stalk. ____________________________________
( ) 4. The plant has four ***aves. ____________________________________
( ) 5. Th***e are three bees on the plant. ________________________________

Part III Writing (写作) 5%
Writing (请在The insect / Farm animals / The plant这三个题目中任选一题,进行写话,至少5句。)

Test for 3A Modu*** 4 The natural world 听力内容
I. Listen and choose (选出你所听到的单词或词组,把序号填在前面的括号内) 10%
1. Look! The plant has tree red flow***s.A
2. We can read books in our school library.B
3. The root is thin and short.B
4. What colour is that pig? It’s black.B
5. The duck is a farm animal.C
6. Pick up your shoes, Danny.C
7. Look at the small cat. It’s white and cute.C
8. Count butt***flies. How many? Five.A
9. How many trees? Th***e are e***ven trees.A
10. I can see some buds. They are green and small.A

II. Listen and choose (听音,选择正确的应答句,把序号填在前面的括号内) 10%
1. What’s this?A
2. What are they?C
3. How many flow***s?B
4. Is it a chick?A
5. Look at the butt***flies.B
6. Are they roots?C
7. What colour are the flow***s?A
8. Put on your coat, Mary.B
9. I see a butt***fly.C
10. Thank you.C

III. Listen and judge (听录音,判定下列图片是否与听到的内容相符, 相符的用“√”表示, 不相符的用“×”表示) 8%
1.Look! Th***e is a butt***fly on the flow***s.√
2.What can you see? I can see a bird on the tree.×
3.Hello! I’m a litt*** bud.√
4.Count the sheep. How many? Five.×
5.What are they? They are hens.×
6.The bee is *** honey.√
7.Eddie has a chick. It is big.×
8.I like sunflow***s. It’s tall and beautiful.√

IV. Listen and write (听录音,将下列短文填写完整) 8%
Mr Wang is a farm***. He has a farm. Look! Th***e are many plants and farm animals on the farm. They are ducks. They are swimming. They’re hens. They are playing with the chicks. I can see many sunflow***s. Th***e are many bees on them. They can make honey. Mr Wang is happy ev***y day.

V. Listen and choose (听录音,选正确的答案,把序号填在前面的括号内) 4%
Hello, I’m Ken. I’m a pupil. I’m ten. My unc*** has a big garden. Th***e are many plants in it. They’re app*** trees, orange trees, roses and sunflow***s. How many app*** trees? One, two, three … three app*** trees. How many orange trees? Th***e are two. The roses are beautiful and nice. Th***e are many butt***flies on them. I like sunflow***s best. They are yellow and brown. They so tall. I like my unc***’s garden. Do you like it?
( C ) 1. Ken’s unc*** has a _______.
A. schoolB. farmC. garden
( B ) 2. Th***e are _______ app*** trees in the garden.
A. twoB. threeC. four
( B ) 3. I can see _______ on the roses.
A. beesB. butt***fliesC. birds
( C ) 4. In the garden, my favourite plant is ________.
A. orange treesB. rosesC. sunflow***s