
三年级Book 2 Module 3 期末复习练习
A. USA B. American C. Australian D. Chinese E. Japanese F. China
G. Japan H. France I. British J. Canadian K. Britain L. Germany
M. PRC N. Canada O. French P. German Q. Australia R. UK
Countries(国家):_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Nationalities or Languages(国籍或语言):
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Part I:
( ) 1. Where are you from? A. Yes, I do.
( ) 2. Are you from Japan? B. They are American stamps.
( ) 3. Do you have a toy car? C. I am from the UK.
( ) 4. What are these? D. No, I’m not.
( ) 5. What is that? E. Yes, it is.
( ) 6. Is this a postcard? F. It is a toy.
Part II:
( ) 1. What are these A. I’m from Germany.
( ) 2. Is Zhang Jie from Japan? B. No, I don’t.
( ) 3. Where are you from? C. No, she is from China.
( ) 4. Do you have a Japanese stamp? D. She’s in the living room.
( ) 5. Where’s your mother? E. It’s a picture of my bedroom.
( ) 6. What’s that, Xiaoling? F. They are spiders.
1. What ________ (is / are) these? They ______ (is / are) circles.
2. Is that _________ (man / men) from Canada? Yes, ______ (he / she) is.
3. ________ (I / My) mother is beautiful. ________ (Your / Her) name is Alice.
4. This is a __________ (German / Germany) ship.
5. The pigs and cows __________ (have / has) tails.
6. The boy ________ (on / in) the chair ________ (is / are) Philip.
7. We are __________ (China / Chinese). We have some ___________ (American / America) postcards.
8. _________ (Are / Do) you have pets? No, I ________ (am not / don’t).
9. My uncle and aunt have ________ (some / any) geese. They don’t have ________ (some / any) ducks.
10. This is ________ (a / an) Chinese stamp.
11. That is _________ (a /an) American car.
12. There is _________ (a / an) old desk in the bedroom.
13. I don’t have __________ (some / any) British friends.
14. I have _________ (some / any) French postcards.
15. Do you have _________ (some / any) cow?
16. There are _________ (some / any) geese in the farm.
Part I:
Where’s, She’s, from, name, with

A: Who’ s that girl _______ long hair?
B: _________ my friend.
A: What’s her ___________?
B: Rose.
A: ___________ she from?
B: She’s _________ Australia.
Part II:
Chinese, Japanese, I’m, from, We

Keiko: Where are you ___________?
Jenny and Rose: _________ are from Britain. And you?
Keiko: I’m from Japan. _________ Japanese. This is my friend, her name is Nana.
Jenny: Hello, Nana. Are you __________, too?
Nana: No, I’m from China. I’m _________.