
e good friends with several of the students in my school_____ I met in the English speech contest last year.
A. whom B. where C. when D. which
Cancy was reunited with her parents. But she was stolen as a baby on Aug. 4, 1987.
“It’s a(n) 36 feeling. Now I can sleep,” mother Joy White said after 37 her grown-up daughter over the weekend, “ I’ve been 38 for all these years. I never took her picture off my dresser. I never 39 looking for her.”
Cancy was not yet a month old 40 she was stolen. She had a 41 and her worried parents took her to hospital.
A woman dressed as a 42 got close to Joy White in the emergency room(急救室) and told her everything would be 43 . Joy went home to rest. When she 44 to the hospital ,Cancy was gone.
45 , a girl known as Nejdra grew up in Bridgeport. As a teenager, she began to doubt that she wasn’t 46 concerned with the family that 47 her. And she was puzzled that she was 48 able to get a copy of her birth certificate(证明).
Finally, she began to do some 49 on the Internet. On a website, she found a photo of a 50 baby named Cancy.
The site got in touch with Joy White on Jan.4 and 51 her a baby photo taken by the family who raised Nejdra.
“I was shouting. I was so 52 ,”Joy said, “53 I saw the picture I said, ‘That’s my daughter.’ I saw myself in her.”
DNA tests 54 Nejdra is Cancy --- the daughter of Joy White and Carl Tyson.
“I already knew in my heart that this was my daughter,” Tyson said. “All I could 55 is to shed tears.”
36. A. surprisingB. natural C. wonderfulD. uncomfortable
37. A. helping B. noticing C. dreaming D. meeting
38. A. surprisedB. worried C. amusedD. embarrassed
39. A. kept on B. insisted on C. gave up D. set about
40. A. whenB. if C. until D. so
41. A. mistake B. habit C. chanceD. fever
42. A. nurse B. student C. friendD. child
43. A. specialB. attractive C. fine D. exact
44. A. turned B. move d C. got D. returned
45. A. Besides B. At the same time C. Still D. yet
46. A. actuallyB. always C. simply D. luckily
47. A. served B. saved C. stole D. raised
48. A. never B. also C. only D. already
49. A. homeworkB. tests C. research D. experiments
50. A. missing B. smiling C. cryingD. singing
51. A. lent B. showed C. bought D. handed
52. A. excited B. brave C. careful D. friendly
53. A. AlthoughB. Because C. In case D. As soon as
54. A. allowedB. suggested C. proved D. wished
55. A. answer B. do C. guess D. learn
第三部分 阅读理解
第一节(共15题;每小题2分,满分 30分)
阅读下列短文, 从媒体所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Dear Editor,
I’m a Senior I student in a middle school. This term, my favorite teacher, Miss Mao, no longer teaches us. I want to see her, but I’m afraid that she no longer likes me and I don’t want to trouble her. I really miss her. What should I do?
Tian Yan
Dear Tian Yan,
It’s bad luck that you have lost your favorite teacher, But if she is still in your school , nothing can stop you going to see her. When she isn’t busy, ask her if she minds having a quick chat. You can then tell her she was your favorite teacher------ everyone is happy to know that they are liked!
If she has left the school, it will be more difficult to meet her. It will be hard, but remember people always come and go in their lives. We can’t rely on them to be with us all the time.
You may be sad to say goodbye to her, but we can remember and learn from her. Think of her best qualities.
You could also try looking for similar qualities in your other teachers. Study hard and give your new teacher a chance. In time, you might start to see that he or she has different qualities to learn from.
Finally, you can not completely rely on other people to get you through your studies , or even your life.
56. The letters are from________.
A book B newspaper C poster D advertisement
57. Which of the following does the editor advise Tuan Yan NOT to do?
A Find a time to see Miss Mao B Have a short chat with Miss Mao
C Tell Miss Mao she likes her D Keep quiet about the thing
58. According to the passage, students can make progress in their studies _______.
A completely by their favorite teachers B completely by their favorite classmates
C mainly by their parents D mainly by themselves
I work in a nursing home and my job is to take care of the elderly.
This year, a very sweet old lady that I cared for, Alice, had gone through a difficult time. She got dementia and so she had been in the hospital twice. In November I was finally able to get her back to her “home”.
Alice had thought her daughter was coming to visit her on Christmas day and that they were going to have the whole family together like the old days. When she finally realized that that happy moment was not going to happen, she was very sad. Knowing that her daughter was coming after Christmas was not enough to make her feel happy, I hated the idea of her being alone on the holiday!
On Christmas Eve, I gave her a surprise by asking if she would like to go to a candlelight service at church that night.
Instead of taking her to my church, I took her to her old neighborhood church where all her friends were. We got there early and I got her a seat where her friends could see her as they came in. Then soon some of her friends came to the church and they rushed over to greet her and sit with her.
The candlelight service was beautiful and Alice got a lot of love from her old and new friends there.
The truth of the story is that I am the one who got the best gift: the smile on Alice’s face.
59. The underlined word “dementia” in Paragraph 2 probably is _____.
A. an illness B. a letter C. a houseD. a plan
60. What was the best gift that the author got on Christmas Eve?
A. The candlelight service. B. Praise from Alice’s friends.
C. Thanks from Alice’s daughter. D. Alice’s happiness.
61. What is the best title for this passage?
A. A special candlelight Christmas Eve B. The dream of an old lonely lady
C. A real present D. The true love
New research shows sheep are clever
People often make jokes about how dull sheep are, but new research shows they may be cleverer than we think. Researchers at the University of Cambridge discovered that Welsh mountain sheep have brainpower that equals rodents (啮齿动物). Tests found that the sheep can map the area they live in, and some may even be able to plan ahead.
Young fish prefer noisy neighbors
A new study has shown that young fish like to live on reefs with noisy neighbors! Researchers from the universities of Auckland and Bristol found that young fish looking for a home choose areas where other noisy fish live. The scientists produced all kinds of sounds which had been recorded in different natural environments. The young fish seemed to prefer the sounds of natural reefs, complete with noisy animals! The scientists compared the choice to a music fan wandering around at a music festival, choosing to set up a tent closest to the music they like best!
Butterflies are disappearing
A new study has shown that 17 species (物种) of butterfly found in Europe have dropped by 70% in the last 20 years. The information collected from 3,000 sites across 15 countries shows it may be caused by the loss (减少) of grasslands covered with flowers. You can encourage butterflies to come into your garden by planting flowers.
62. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Some new studies about animals. B. People’s wrong ideas about animals.
C. Why the number of animals has dropped. D. The importance of protecting animals.
63. According to the first paragraph, we may infer that sheep _____.
A. are less clever than rodents B. can find their home
C. can read maps D. are good planners
64. Which seems to have to do with the number of butterflies?
A. The species of grass in grasslands. B. The species of trees in grasslands.
C. The number of flowers in grasslands. D. The number of animals in grasslands.
65. In which part of a newspaper can we most probably read the passage?
A. Geography.B. Culture.C. Travel.D. Nature.
Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good, most would admit(承认) that their spoken English is poor. Whenever I speak to a Chinese stud ent, they always say, “My spoken English is poor.”66 I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.
First, they fail to find suitable(合适的) words to express themselves due to a limited (有限的)vocabulary. 67.However, you can speak with a limited vocabulary, if you choose a positive attitude. Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.
68 . Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous. Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY(准确). Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using the right words and spelling them correctly. However, in speaking your aim(目标) is fluency. You want to get your message across, to talk to someone in English, as quickly and as well as you can, even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense(时态), but it doesn’t m atter.69 .
The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening. You have one mouth but two ears! All that hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.
Fourth, most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive language learners. Instead of actively seeking(寻求) out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively(被动的) wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor.70 .
A.The person you are speaking to wi ll understand you and make allowances(允许) for any mistakes he hears.
B.They may try to avoid making similar mistakes next time.
C.Obviously(明显的) the better answer is to expand(拓展) their vocabulary.
D.If you have this proactive outlook, then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.
E.However, their spoken English does not have to remain“poor”!
F.Second, they are afraid of making mistakes.
G.The second reason lies in the reluctance (勉强) of using what has just been learned.
第II卷 (共35分)
姓名____________ 班级_________ 学号________ 成绩______
66._____ 67. _____ 68. _____ 69. _____ 70. _____
71.As friends, we should be c___________ about each other .
72.It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as f____________ as a native speaker.
73._____(实际上),all languages change and develop as time goes on.
74.After g________________ from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.
75.He p_______ country life to city life .
76.Although many Americans move a lot , they still _______________(识别) and understand each other’s dialects.
77.Two years ago, she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she __________________
(劝说) me to buy one .
78.People began to wonder how long the _______________(灾难) would last.
79.She gave me a d__________ look ---the kind that said she would not change her mind.
80.We want to complete our plan ahead of s________, so we must work harder.
I often dream of be a teacher. I dream of standing in the platform in the classroom and I give lessons to lovely boys and girls. I teach them, play with them, watch them growing up. I am always young when I was staying with them. I know there is not easy to be a teacher. Without enough knowledges, you can never teach good. Besides, you have to make friends with your pupils and take good care of him.
Though I am a student now, but I will work very hard to make my dream comes true.
1. 你对新学校新班级的印象;
2. 你对高中生活的感受和打算;
3. 你对王平的想念和对友谊的理解。
要求:1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
2. 不可在文中涉及相关班级、 老师及个人信息,否则视为作弊。
3 词数120左右(信的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数)
Dear Wang Ping,
How are you? I am now studying in Class 2 Grade1 in Yu Cai Middle School.
Best wishes.

The key to the mid-term test(Module 1)
21-25 BADDB 26-30 ADBCB 31-35 CAAAA
36―40 C D B C A 41―45 D A C D B 46---50 A D A C A 51---55 B ADCB
(A) 56-58 B D D (B) 59-61 A D A (C)62-65 ABCD
五、篇章结构(10分) 66-70 E C F A D
I often dream of be a teacher. I dream of standing in the platform in the classroom and I
being on
give lessons to lovely boys and girls. I teach them, play with them, ∧watch them growing up.
I am always young when I was staying with them. I know there is not easy to be a teacher.
am it
Without enough knowledges, you can never teach good. Besides, you have to make friends
knowledge well
with your pupils and take knowledge good care of him.
Though I am a student now, but I will work very hard to make my dream comes true.