
pany to me after she is retired.
―You must be under great pressure.
A. take over B. hand over C. go over D. run over
25. Before the sales start, I make a list of _______ my kids will need for the coming season.
A. why B. what C. how D. which
26. Thousands of football fans were_______ to South Africa the day when the 19th World Cup
A. attended B. assembled C. attracted D. attached
27. ―I ordered a pair of shoes online two days ago and they haven’t arrived yet.
―Don’t worry. You_______ have them by Friday.
A. could B. shall C. must D. may
28. Nowadays we students are so busy that we don’t have much time for outdoor sports activities, _______we have the interest.
A. wherever B. whenever C. even if D. as if
29. ―Shall we go out for a walk?
― Sorry. This is not the right _______ to invite me. I am too tired to walk.
A. moment B. situation C. place D. condition
30. Pip agreed to give some piano lessons to the girl_______ for a generous gift from her mother.
A. in nature B. in return C. in turn D. in time
31. If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what _______ in science and technology.
A. had discovered B. had been discovered
C. has discovered D. has been discovered
32. We should consider the professor’s advice _______ our school library provide more books on popular science.
A. that B. whenC. which D. where
33. Gilbert wasn’t ______ the time this morning, so he was late for school.
A. involved in B. particular about C. linked to D. aware of
34. The father and the son entered the tiger area _______ two doors were open at the time.
Suddenly five tigers appeared, one of which killed the father.
A. there B. which C. its D. whose
35. ―Do you think you could successfully light the flame at the opening ceremony?
―_______. This is not the first time for me.
A. Take care B. Hurry up C. Not exactly D. Don’t worry
21. As is known to all, _______ strong and powerful China will certainly benefit _____ whole world.
A. a; a B. the; aC. the; the D. a; the
22. You have to be a fairly good speaker to ________ listeners’ interest for over an hour.
A. catch B. hold C. improve D. attract
23. --- Mom, I still want to watch the football match tonight.
--- The final exams are approaching. _____ you watch the football World Cup every night?
A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need
24. --- Why is Jack always playing?
--- He has no ________ of time.
A. feeling B. opinion C. effect D. sense
25. But for the fact that the firefighters _____ at the spot in time, more people ______ their lives in the fire.
A. arrived; died B. had arrived; would lose
C. arrived; would have lost D. has arrived; could have lost
26. The house rent is increasing sharply nowadays. I’ve got about half the space I had five years ago but I am paying _______ now.
A. as five times much B. as much five times
C. much as five times D. five times as much
27. --- _______ made her ashamed of herself?
--- ______ the lowest mark in her class.
A. What; Because she got B. Was it what; Getting
C. What was it that; She got D. What was it that; Getting
28. Yunnan province in China was attacked by such a terrible drought this early spring ________ few people had experienced before, _______ made us worry about global climate changes.
A. that; thatB. as; whichC. which; it D. when; as
29. Despite the fact that I had been told about the local people’s attitude to strangers, in no case ________ any rudeness.
A. did I meetB. I metC. had I metD. I had met
30. Though my grandfather is in his eighties, he is still as _________ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.
A. enthusiastic B. talkative C. energetic D. sensitive
31. --- What do you think of the jacket and the hat I wear today?
--- I don’t think this jacket _________ you and that your hat _______ this jacket perfectly.
A. suits; fits B. meets; fits C. matches; suits D. fits; matches
32. Recently we held a discussion about what we shall use for power when all the oil in the world has _________?
A. run out of B. used up C. given out D. put out
33. Without facts, we can’t form a correct opinion, for we need to have actual knowledge _______ our thinking.
A. which to be based on B. which to base on
C. on which to base D. which to base
34. I ________ to help you with your homework, but I couldn’t spare any time. I ________ a composition last night and I’ll finish it today.
A. wanted; wrote B. had wanted; was writing
C. have wanted; wrote D. wanted; have been writing
35. --- How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night?
--- _________. But the conductor was perfect.
A. I couldn’t agree moreB. I don’t think much of it
C. I was crazy about itD. I really like it
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
21. ---- Did you have ________ fun at the party?
---- Yes. It’s ________ shame that you missed it.
A. a; aB. /; /C. /; aD. a; /
22. We don’t doubt ________ the boy can ________ the angry teacher.
A. if; apologize for B. whether; apologize to
C. that; apologize to D. what; apologize
23. So ________ was he in 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa that he didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door. Which of the following is NOT correct?
A. absorbed B. buried C. devoted D. lost
24. He was made ________ the house under his mother’s direction.
A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. to clean
25. Yet ever since then, people at home and abroad have ________ different opinions about the policy.
A. risen B. voiced C. prohibitedD. discouraged
26. ---- Have we ________ water?
---- Yes. We’d better get some.
A. run out B. run out ofC. run intoD. run across
27. Much new high technology has been introduced from America, ________ a great increase in the production of the company.
A. resulting in B. having led to C. contributed to D. caused
28. I don’t think it is teachers who ________ for giving students too much pressure.
A. are to blame B. are going to blameC. are to be blamed D. should blame
29. It rained for two weeks, completely ________ our holiday.
A. ruinedB. ruin C. to ruin D. ruining
30. Tom, turn down the music. Why ________ you make such a big noise while your baby sister is sleeping?
A. must B. would C. should D. may
31. We are at your service. Don’t ________ to turn to us if you have any further problems.
A. begB. hesitateC. desireD. seek
32. Many working women ________ relatives to help take care of their children.
A. depend withB. depend toC. rely inD. rely on
33. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help ________ buying something they don’t really need.
A. to persuadeout ofB. persuading out of
C. being persuaded intoD. be persuaded into
34. We all like to make friends with him because he always ________.
A. has wordsB. has a wordC. keeps his wordD. keeps his words
35. ---- Which share is intended ________ me?
---- You can take ________ half. They are exactly the same.
A. for; any B. to; any C. to; either D. for; either
36. Please don’t speak at one time. George may take the ________ after the two women each say a few words.
A. floor B. chance C. voice D. speech
37. He was unable to ________ to the students what he meant.
A. get through B. get across C. get down D. get around
38. ---- Do you have the time?
---- Sorry, I have no watch.
---- ________
A. What a pity!B. Thanks anyway.C. It doesn't matter.D. Why not buy one?
39. In order to change attitudes ________ employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.
A. aboutB. ofC. towardsD. at
40. ---- I must be off now. See you!
---- ________. See you!
A. Walk slowlyB. Nice to meet you
C. Take careD. Be careful of safety
II. 单项填空
21---25 CCCDB26---30 BAADA31---35 BDCCD36---40 ABBCC
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)
21. We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made____ from some wood we had.
A. it B. one C. that D. another
22. Papermaking began in China and from here it ____ to North Africa and Europe.
A. spread B. grew C. carried D. developed
23. ---Would you like to go to the concert with me, Mary?
--- I have got no interest in it; ____, I have lots of homework to do.
A. otherwise B. besides C. however D. therefore
24. It ____ be our headmaster. He has gone to Beijing.
A. mustn’t B. won’t C. may not D. can’t
25. Although the teacher did not mention any names, everybody knew who he was ____.
A. attending to B. turning to C. referring to D. talking to
26. Li Ming won the first prize in the English speech contest and I’m glad that his efforts at last ____.
A. paid off B. worked out C. got back D. turned out
27. It is in Huizhou ____ you’re going to pay a visit to ____ this kind of TCL TV set is produced.
A. that; which B. where; which C. /; where D. / ; that
28. I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was____ women who lived in the countryside .
A. intended for B. appealed for C. taken for D. built up for
29. If you go into a store and feel that the clerk is being rude, stop and think that she____ a tough day, and put yourself in her shoes.
A. may have B. may have had C. must have D. should have had
30. The Foreign Minister said, “____ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”
A. This is B. There is C. It is D. That is
31. Materials of this kind ____ once ____ on the wall.
A. don’t wash, painted B. don’t wash, painting
C. aren’t washed, painted D. aren’t washed, painting
32. You will never arrive at ____ is considered the Heaven on the Earth.
A. which B. that C. what D. where
33. We are worried about ____ they can be rescued.
A. that B. whether C. if D. what
34. ____ lack of energy, he still kept on helping the injured people.
A. Thanks to B. Due to C. Despite D. Even if
35. ---Are you ____ about food?
---No, anything will do.
A. curious B. anxious C. particular D. cared

第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)
第一节:单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
请认真阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
21. ―Did you have a good time at the Shanghai World Expo?
―Sure. ________.
A. It couldn’t be better.B. It depends. C. It’s up to you. D. It’s my pleasure.
22. ―Great changes have taken place in ________ Zhenjiang.
―Definitely. Zhenjiang is no longer ________ it used to be.
A. the; 不填 B. 不填; what C. 不填; which D. the; that
23. ________ remains a question ________ man’s dream of going to Mars will be realized.
A. That; if B. That; whether C. It; whether D. It; if
24. ―Every means ________ been tried so far to deal with the oil spill(漏)in the Gulf of Mexico.
―But few ________ effect.
A. have; takeB. had; takes C. has; takes D. has; take
25. ―________ you talk so much over meal?
―Sorry, Mum. I ________ keep as quiet as a mouse.
A. Dare; shall B. Can; may C. Must; will D. Need; should
26. ________ at in another way, the loss of the Chinese Women’s Table Tennis Team is good for the growth of the young players.
A. Looking B. Having looked C. Being looked D. Looked
27. ―You can never ________ traffic signals while crossing the road.
―Besides, every road user should ________ to traffic rules.
A. ignore; stick B. care; contribute C. avoid; lead D. guide; connect
28. ________ can you expect to get a pay rise.
A. Only with hard work  B. Although work hard
C. With hard work   D. Now that he works hard
29. Many airlines in Europe had to ________ due to the volcano eruption in Iceland.
A. give off B. close down C. turn off D. get down
30. With over 10 employees ________ suicide one after another, the measures taken by the company ________ ineffective.
A. committed; proved B. committing; were proved
C. committing; proved C. committed; were proved
31. ―Dad, our teacher suggests ________ widely to achieve progress in our writing.
―It’s up to you to ________ the decision.
A. reading; make B. to read; make C. reading; making D. to read; making
32. Some experts say that the housing price, ________ went up for the past couple of years, is likely to stop rising.
A. whose B. which C. what D. that
33. ―Who’s the champion of the World Cup in South Africa?
―No one knows. It ________ now. It will end on July 12.
A. has been held B. is holding C. is held D. is being held
34. Sport plays an important role in our lives. Some enjoy playing ________others enjoy watching.
A. as B. however C. while D. when
35. It is high time that someone ________ you how to behave yourself.
A. taught B. teaches C. shall teach D. will teach
21-25 ABCDC 26-30 DAABC 31-35 ABDCA
二、 单项选择:(15*1分=15分)
21. I will __________ the money to you next week.
A. pay for B. pay back C. pay in D. pay out
22. This classroom is __________ that one.
A. three times bigger as B. three times as big
C. three times the size of D. as three times big as
23. As they don’t have a child of their own, they’re going to __________ a little child.
A. adapt B. accept C. receive D. adopt
24. It’s reported __________ some 100,000 college graduates will be chosen to assume village officials across the country in 5 years.
A. if B. because C. when D. that
25. Jane __________ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.
A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up
26. __________ of the land in that district ___________ covered with trees and grass.
A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; are
27. --- We’ve heard Jack was punished yesterday.
--- Well, he was caught __________ in the toilet by his class teacher.
A. smoking B. smoke C. to smoke D. smoked
28. --- Hello! Jinling Hotel. What can I do for you?
--- Do you have a room __________ for this weekend?
A. useful B. available C. possible D. empty
29. You __________ have the book as soon as I finish reading it.
A. should B. must C. could D. shall
30. It is the Party __________ makes __________ for us to live a happy life.
A. who; it is possible B. which; it possible C. that; it possible D. which; it is possible
31. You will find this map of great __________ in helping you to get round Shanghai.
A. price B. value C. cost D. useful
32. The two boys __________ with each other for the highest mark.
A. completed B. complained C. competed D. compared
33. The house is too expensive. _________, it’s a bit far from the company where I’m working. So I have decided not to buy it.
A. More or less B. However C. Sooner or later D. Besides
34. You must have watched the football match between Holland and Japan last night, _________ you?
A. haven’t B. didn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t
35. His idea, though good, needs __________.
A. being practiced B. to practice C. practiced D. to be practiced.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21. They say that _________ Japanese Language is quite difficult for _________ European
A. the; a B. /; an C. the; an D. /; a
22. He said to me with an _________ look on his face.
A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. excitement
23.--- My brother is not good at speaking English.
--- I suggest _________ English for two hours every day.
A. him to speak B. he speaking
C. he practise speaking D. his practising to speak
24. Model as a career _________ many young girls because of the fascinating T-stage.
A. attracts to B. appeals to C. calls on D. pulls up
25. Our leader approved _________ the conference.
A. me to attend B. for my attending C. of me to attend D. of my attending
26. My neighbour often gave me a hand in time of trouble, _________,I think, was very kind of them.
A. what B. that C. which D. it
27. Don’t try to _________ any excuse, Alan. Tell me why you didn’t come to school today.
A. show up B. make up C. give up D. step up
28. --- You couldn’t have chosen any gift better for me.
--- _________.
A. Oh, don’t complain about it. B. I’m glad you like it.
C. That’s all right. I’ll give you a better one. D. You have a gift for music, don’t you?
29. --- Hi, Lucy, you look tired.
--- I’m really tired, because I the living room all day.
A. painted B. had painted C. have been painted D. have been painting
30. I made a promise _________ my son passed the exam, I would take him to the zoo.
A. that if B. if C. that D. whether
31. Make sure that you keep your boss _________ the fresh developments by e-mail.
A. informing of B. inform of C. informed of D. to inform of
32. _________ at failing in the math exam, John wouldn’t like to say it to his parents.
A. Disappointed B. To be disappointed C. Disappointing D. Being disappointed
33. _________ is known to us all is that the earth is smaller than the sun.
A. It B. What C. As D. which
34. You don’t have to change yourself------ you are fine just _________.
A. with yourself B. as you are C. for you are D. what you are
35. You can never imagine what great difficulty I have had _________ him to stop smoking.
A. persuaded B. to persuade C. persuade D. persuading