
  • new【英语六级作文】   在学校住还是租房住 2024-07-01

    Living in university dormitories or apartments in the community?I think it is better for college students to live on campus during their first two years, and then move into an apartment for off-campus life, while juniors and seniors need the independ

  • new【英语六级作文】   成功备战大学英语四六级的必备心态 2024-07-01

    成功备战大学英语四六级的必备心态 想要成功备战大学英语四六级考试,有些最基本的常识必须知道,而这里所指并非单是英语的基础知识,而是学习英语的一些基本态度问题。仔细看看下面这篇文章,或许您会收获很多…… 成功备战英语四六级的必备基础  大学四年的生活即将

  • new【英语六级作文】   享受过程的乐趣(Enjoy the fun of the process) 2024-07-01

    for often, achieving what you set out to do is not the important thing. let me explain.  two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. as they were working, a couple of older boys stopped by to watch.  what are you doing? asked

  • new【英语六级作文】   07年书信作文:四六级作文DIY模板之英文信函题型 2024-07-01

    DIY,是“Do It Yourself”缩写而成的,意思是借用一些素材,自己动手做,发挥你的想象力,让你手中的东西展现出你自己的个性。  DIY式写作,简单来说,就是用“DIY百宝箱”的东西,自己动手“组装”一篇英语四六级优秀作文来。DIY式写作将帮助你用一套模板,外加90%

  • new【英语六级作文】   Rumor(谣言) 2024-07-01

    Rumor is the most primitive(原始的) way of spreading stories―by passing them on from mouth to mouth. But civilized(文明的) countries in normal times have better sources of news than rumor. They have radio, television, and newspaper.In times of stres

  • new【英语六级作文】   了解校园外面的世界(Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus) 2024-07-01

    with the rapid development of society, it is essential for college students to get to know the world outside the campus. there are a variety of reasons why we should do that. the primary one is that we can expand our horizons. nowadays, as studen

  • new【英语六级作文】   Being,shy 2024-07-01

    Being shyNearly everyone is shy in some ways. Shy people are over-concerned(担心的) with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome(令人烦恼的) thoughts often swirl(打旋) in their minds: what kind of impression(印象) am I making? Do they like me? Do

  • new【英语六级作文】   2006年6月17日大学英语六级考试作文范文 2024-07-01

    In recent years, more and more citizens here would like to travel abroad. In 1995, the number of people who would like to travel abroad was 10000, which increased to nearly 40000 in 2000. And in 2005, the number further climbed above 12,000. There ar

  • new【英语六级作文】   佳作欣赏:GetaThoroughUnderstandingofOneself 2024-07-01

    佳作欣赏:GetaThoroughUnderstandingofOneselfIn all one's life time it is oneself that one has the least understanding of. When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate yourself. It seems that everything you seek for is within your reach

  • new【英语六级作文】   英国和法国之间的战争the war between Britain and France 2024-07-01

    In the late eighteenth century, battles raged in almost every corner of Europe, as well as in the Middle East, south Africa ,the West Indies, and Latin America. In reality, however, there was only one major war during this time, the war between Brita

  • new【英语六级作文】   2005年1月六级作文题及范文 2024-07-01

    范文:Dear friends,  As some of you may know,Lucy,a lovely girl student,a junior from the Department of Fine Arts,has been seriously ill.In fact,she has been suffering from hepatitis, which is very dangerous. This 20-year-old girl comes from a smal

  • new【英语六级作文】   传统的价值观(Traditional moral values) 2024-07-01

    第一段:从儒家“修身、 齐家、治国、平天下”的道理想到当今中国政府的官员腐败问题。 第二段:从官员的腐败问题谈到人们价值观的变化的体现。 第三段:依法治国和以德治国的意义所在。 第四段:总结。 There's so much for me to talk about in terms of traditions

  • new【英语六级作文】   英语六级成绩查询 2024-07-01

    现接四、六级考委会通知,2005年12月24日大学英语四、六级的考试成绩,将于2006年2月28日上午9点整正式发布,届时凭本人准考证号码,登录免费查分网址:http://cet.etang.com 进行查询。感谢大家在前段时间的耐心等待! 其它查分方式:收费声讯查分电话:16839946 (全国

  • new【英语六级作文】   论对外开放政策(On Open Policy) 2024-07-01

    The open policy means that our country is open to investment, trade and technical and economic cooperation with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The purpose of open policy is to acquire advanced technology, management skil

  • new【英语六级作文】   2007年英语六级考试冲刺作文11篇及范文--城市交通问题 2024-07-01

    2007年英语六级考试冲刺作文11篇及范文--城市交通问题1.交通日益成为城市的一大难题   2.现有解决交通问题的办法  3.提出自己的看法  there is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas. Some major roa

  • new【英语六级作文】   细菌 Bacteria 2024-07-01

    Bacteria Bacteria are extremely small living things. While we measure our own sizes in inches or centimeters, bacterial size is measured in microns. One micron is a thousandth of a millimeter: a pinhead is about a millimeter across. Rod-shaped bacter

  • new【英语六级作文】   逃课(Cutting the Class) 2024-07-01

    miss green was going to give a lecture on monday afternoon. yet on sunday night she was told that she had to go to an important meeting the next day at exactly the same time. no one can be in two places at once. what shall i do?she thought. but s

  • new【英语六级作文】   写信给朋友(A Letter to a Friend) 2024-07-01

    july 15, 2003  dear bob,  i'm very glad to learn that you will come to our city to study chinese in jianxin college of chinese in september, and equally glad to find a place for you to live in. i've found a flat with a bedroom, kitchen and a

  • new【英语六级作文】   盗版问题(Heavy Traffic) 2024-07-01

    in recent years ninny cities are faced with the problem of heavy traffic. people have to waste more time on their way home or to work and even might be involved in an acci dent. with the development of industry and population expansion, this prob

  • new【英语六级作文】   美国的老人(Old People in America) 2024-07-01

    in the old days,american families were bigger. people had more children,and grandparents and great-grandparents lived with their families. but now, families are smaller, and many old people  live alone. at the same time, americans are living lo

  • new【英语六级作文】   忙碌的重要性(Importance of Being Busy) 2024-07-01

    sometimes life becomes so busy that you feel as if you are the only person to whom the whole world has been merciless and that you are the only person who is working harder than anyone else. yes, the grass on the other side of the fence is always

  • new【英语六级作文】   职业和事业(Profession and Business) 2024-07-01

    our current educational system focuses on preparing today's youth to get good jobs by de-  veloping scholastic skills. their lives will revolve around their wages, or their income column. and after developing scholastic skills,they go on to hig

  • new【英语六级作文】   引诱(Temptation) 2024-07-01

    引诱(Temptation)Temptation is a force usually attracting people to do immoral(不道德的)things. No one escapes its spell.Many people have failed because they have become slaves to temptation. Money is a typical tool of temptation. Some youngsters go a

  • new【英语六级作文】   美丽的微笑(Beautiful smile) 2024-07-01

    the poor are very wonderful people. one evening we went out and we picked up four people from the street. and one of them was in a most terrible condition,and i told the sisters: you take care of the other three. i take care of this one who look

  • new【英语六级作文】   怎样看待挑战(Challenges) 2024-07-01

    for thousands of years, people have accepted challenges in different fields. there are not only physical challenges, but also social and intellectual challenges. some people risk their lives in playing sports to see how well they can do. others t

  • new【英语六级作文】   The Brain and the Computer 2024-07-01

    Some recent developments in the computer industry make scientists predict that the gap between human beings and machines will be closed about the year 20000. To understand the significance of this prediction let us compare the human brain with existi

  • new【英语六级作文】   危险的运动应该是法律禁止的(dangerous sports should be banned by law) 2024-07-01

    when you think of the tremendous technological progress we have made, its amazing how little we have developed in other respects. we may speak contemptuously of the poor old romans because they relished the orgies of slaughter that went on in the

  • new【英语六级作文】   我的日常生活(my daily life) 2024-07-01

    though my daily life is extremely monotonous, i try hard to adapt myself to it. why? because i intend to be a good student. i wish to render service to my country.  i get up at six oclock every day. after i wash my face and brush my teeth, i be

  • new【英语六级作文】   2005年英语六级考试作文范文 2024-07-01

    来源:中国四六级考试网 Dec. 24th Dear Managers, I am very grateful for you to give me another job in the company. Thinking about the good opportunity you offer to me each time, I am really moved. What words should I say? It seems that words on this

  • new【英语六级作文】   爱国(be patriotic) 2024-07-01

    it is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful (to make the country rich and strong is.).  in order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country). i consider this an unchangeable truth.  how can a