
ments D. connections
9. Besides television,the Internet is now another major way of communication ________us to see as well as to hear the performer.
A. permitted B. having permitted
C. being permitted D. permitting
10. You may feel it ________that such a little girl can speak three foreign languages fluently in this small town.
A. surprising B. surprised
C. to surprise D. being surprised
Ⅱ. 完形填空
(2010届双语报12期)After my mother passed away,my dad tried even harder to stay healthy and active. Each morning he swam in the pool,and no matter how he felt,he would __1__swim one more lap (圈) than the previous day,just to prove there was always room for __2__.
By his late 70s,in spite of his swimming,his strength and energy had noticeably __3__. By age 81,he was in poor health because of heart problems and arthritis (关节炎). He pretended he didn’t __4__to lean heavily on me for support as we walked slowly,I pretended not to __5__,and naturally held him. One day he said,“In case of an emergency,I do not __6__to be kept alive by any medical means. I’ve made an official will for that __7__. ”
A month later he had a heart attack. In the emergency room,__8__,he told me his wish. He was __9__with intensive care(重症护理),but he still had his sense of __10__,asking me,“Does this mean we can’t keep our lunch date tomorrow?”Then he turned toward the wall next to his bed,and __11__to look at me. There was a miserable silence between us. Then he said,“I don’t want you to __12__me as a helpless old man. __13__you won’t,darling!And please go now. ”
Those were my father’s last __14__. I had regretted not holding his hand and telling him of my love as he had passed on,__15__a dream set me free. My father came to visit me in the dream and told me his __16__of the story:
I’m telling you the truth,my darling daughter. I __17__you love me as I love you. And I did not want you there __18__my death. That was what you wanted,not what I wanted. My death was __19__,just the way it was. There are two sides to everything-__20__death.
【解题导语】 个性要强的父亲在晚年仍然坚持锻炼身体,即使在他最后遭受病痛折磨、弥留之迹,也不想让女儿看见他痛苦的样子。
1. A. never B. seldom
C. occasionally D. always
解析:选D。根据前面的“no matter how”,可知这里强调父亲总是坚持每天多游一圈。
2. A. success B. activeness
C. improvement D. feeling
解析:选C。只有C项符合前文“one more lap than the previous day”的语境。
3. A. decreased B. increased C. recovered D. protected
解析:选A。根据前文“in spite of”,可知A为正确答案。
4. A. like B. dare C. need D. expect
解析:选C。根据上文的“poor health”,可知父亲是需要依靠“我”的;再根据“pretended”,可知这里表示:他装作不需要。
5. A. accept B. notice C. mention D. believe
解析:选B。根据后文的“naturally held him”,可知“我”假装没有发现父亲的伪装。
6. A. pretend B. order C. believe D. want
7. A. situation B. decision C. condition D. subject
8. A. instead B. again C. besides D. moreover
解析:选B。这是父亲第二次提到他的意愿,即“not __6__to be kept alive by any medical means”。
9. A. curious B. satisfied
C. uncomfortable D. unfamiliar
10. A. reasoning B. purpose C. humor D. direction
11. A. failed B. refused C. tended D. intended
解析:选B。从上文的“he turned toward the wall”,可知此处是“父亲不想看见我”。
12. A. remember B. treat C. recognize D. accept
13. A. Promise B. Permit C. Forbid D. Try
14. A. lessons B. suggestions C. awards D. words
15. A. unless B. if C. until D. because
16. A. ground B. side C. step D. line
解析:选B。上文提到的“holding his hand and telling him of my love as he had passed on”,只是“我”的看法;下文将会是父亲的看法。side在这里表示“立场”。
17. A. doubt B. imagine C. know D. require
18. A. before B. after C. at D. without
19. A. perfect B. incredible C. amazing D. imaginable
解析:选A。根据后文的“just the way it was”,可知父亲对他的死法很满意,认为那个样子就很好了。
20. A. mostly B. nearly C. even D. ever
Ⅲ. 阅读理解
It was Molly’s job to hand her father his brown paper lunch bag each morning before he headed off to work.
One morning, in addition to his usual lunch bag, Molly handed him a second paper bag. This one was worn and held together with staples(书钉).
“Why two bags?”her father asked. “The other is something else,”Molly answered. “What’s in it?”“Just some stuff (东西). Take it with you. ”
Not wanting to discuss the matter, he put both sacks into his briefcase, kissed Molly and rushed off. At midday he opened Molly’s bag and took out the contents: two hair ribbons (丝带), three small stones, a plastic dinosaur, a tiny sea shell, a small doll, and 13 pennies. . . . The busy father smiled, finished eating, and swept the desk clean into the wastebasket, Molly’s stuff included.
That evening, Molly ran up behind him as he read the paper. “Where’s my bag?”“What bag?”“The one I gave you this morning. ”“I left it at the office, my dear. ”“I forgot to put this note in it,”she said. “And, besides, Daddy, the things in the sack are the things I really like. I thought you might like to play with them. You didn’t lose the bag, did you, Daddy?”“Oh, no,”he said, lying. “I just forgot to bring it home. I’ll bring it tomorrow. ”While Molly hugged her father’s neck, he unfolded the note that read. “I love you, Daddy. ”Molly had given him her treasures―all that a 7­year­old held dear.
Love was in a paper bag, and he missed it―not only missed it, but had thrown it in the wastebasket. So he went back to the office. Just ahead of the night janitor(看门人),he picked up the bag from the wastebasket. He put the treasures inside and carried it home carefully. The bag didn’t look so good, but the stuff was all there and that’s what counted.
After dinner, he asked Molly to tell him about the stuff in the sack. It took a long time to tell.
Everything had a story or a memory.
“Sometimes I think of all the great times in this sweet life,”he thought. We should all remember that it’s not the destination that counts in life, but the journey. That journey with the people we love is all that really matters. It is such a simple truth but it is so easily forgotten.
1. Why did Molly give her father a second bag?
A. She didn’t want to keep the things in the bag.
B. She hoped those things would bring happiness to her father.
C. She wanted to remind her father of the stories behind the things.
D. She enjoyed playing with her father.
2. How did Father deal with the bag after he opened it?
A. He kept it in the drawer.
B. He took it back home.
C. He threw it into the wastebasket.
D. He put it on his table.
3. After Father heard what his daughter said, he felt ________.
A. regretful B. surprised
C. sad D. satisfied
4. Which of the following is the most suitable title of the passage?
A. An Important Journey B. Two Bags
C. Father and Daughter D. Love in a Paper Bag
(2009年成都外国语学校4月模拟)Stop wasting your time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings. Instead, realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born. Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.
The seeds and the power to grow them are contained in the human mind. Success is a choice but not a chance. You can be a success if only you make the right choice.
You cannot be successful without first developing your self­esteem(自尊). Your level of self­esteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself, and thus over your life. People with low self­esteem do not believe that they have any power, or responsibility for their lives. They are leaves tossed(摇摆) by the winds of chance brought about with any sudden change in the weather.
You can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe that you are responsible for whatever happens in your life. Failures think that everything happens by accident while successful people realize that they are responsible.
Everything happens as a result of something. If we can identify the cause, we can control the effect. We are responsible for what we consciously choose to accept and believe. Thoughts and beliefs cause everything. Our attitudes and actions are a result of habits ingrained in us over a period of time. One generally rises to the level that one expects. We are responsible for setting our expectations. Our success depends upon our level of confidence. We are responsible for either reinforcing good habits or kicking bad habits and consciously replacing them with consistently practiced good habits.
If you associate with positive­thinking people, you are definitely going to achieve success. On the contrary, the opposite happens. We are responsible for finding, planting, and nurturing(培育) the seeds that contain future victory, born from setbacks.
In short, in all areas of your life, whether they be financial, physical, emotional, or spiritual, you are responsible. Once you recognize this, accept it, and firmly believe it, you are on the road to success.
5. Losers would think that ________.
A. success is the result of hard work
B. working hard will lead to success
C. they fail only because of bad luck
D. they don’t make efforts to succeed
6. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that ________.
A. whether we will succeed depends on our attitudes
B. developing confidence is the key to future success
C. thoughts and beliefs are the result of creative mind
D. setting our expectations is essential before taking action
7. The last paragraph serves as ________.
A. the proof of the author’s point
B. the conclusion of the argument
C. an introduction to another topic
D. a comparison between two views
解析:选B。最后一段开头的短语In short暗示本段为文章的结论部分。
8. Which is the best title of the text?
A. Success is a choice B. The secrets of success
C. Develop our confidence D. How to achieve success