
2. some pictures?
Teaching Procedures?
ゃStep 1 Greetings?
Greet the whole class as usual.?
T: Good morning.?
Ss: Good morning, Miss Liu.?
ゃStep 2 Lead-in?
T: With the development of society, we are changing our life. More and more people like to travel. Do you like traveling?
S: Yes.?
T: Where have you been?
S: The Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Mount Tai,...
S: The West Lake, the Great Wall, ...
S: ...?
T: How did you make your first journey?
S: By train.?
S: By bus.?
S: By bike.?
T: Now, we’ll review the means of transportation. “Means of transportation” is a means of carrying people or goods from one place to another.(By means of transportation) Who can give us the names of the transportation?
S: By bike/by train/by car/by boat/by plane or on foot. (on Page136)?
ゃStep 3 Presentation?
T: Open your books at Page 21.Let’s come to Introduction. First look at the pictures. Let’s learn some words about vehicles.??
(Show them on the screen.)?
Ferry, tram, helicopter, motorbike ?
T: Read aloud and explain the Chinese meanings. Then ask the students how they travel ?around? most frequently elicit basic expressions.?
S: I usually travel on foot/by bike/by bus.?
T: Who has traveled by train/taxi/plane/boat? Explain where, when and why.?
S: I have travelled by train to Beijing. Before we decide the means of transportation, we must consider the time and money we have to spend, and whether we’ll feel comfortable and safe during our travels.?
T: OK. What you said is reasonable.(Teacher uses the multimedia to show the pictures at Page21.)?
Ask the students to match the words in the box with the pictures on the screen, then check with a partner. Check the ?answers? with the students together.?
Picture  1. motorbike  2.ferry  3.tram  4.train 5.plane  6.bus?7.helicopter  8.bicycle?
ゃStep 4 Answering?
Get the students to answer the Activity 2.Then check with them together.?
T: Read through the questions as the students follow. Make sure the students understand the questions.?
T: Ask students to do the activity in pairs. Asking and answering. Then get them to check with a partner.?
S: Which of the vehicles travel on road?
S: Taxi, bicycles, motorbikes and buses travel on roads.?
S: Which of them travel on rails?
S: Trams and trains-travel on rails.?
S: Which of them travels on water?
S: Ferries travel on water.?
S: Which of them travel in the air?
S: Helicopters and planes travel in the air.?
S: Which of them can you use to travel a long distance?
S: You can use a plane or a train to travel a long distance.?
Step 5 Practice?
Match the verbs with the means of transport. Get the students to do Activity 3.?
1. Read through the verbs and have the class repeat them after you.?
get on get off get into get out (of) ?ride drive? take off land ?
2. Ask students to do the activity individually. They can check with a partner.?
3. Call back the answers from the class.?
Suggested answers: ?
get on: bus/train/tram/bicycle/motorbike/ferry/plane?
get off: bus/train/tram/bicycle/motorbike/ferry/plane?
get into: taxi/helicopter?
ride: bicycle/motorbike?
drive: train/taxi/bus?
take off: plane/helicopter?
land: plane/helicopter?
ゃStep 6 Speaking?
1. Get the students to describe the first time you travelled a long distance.?
2. Put the students into groups of four to ask and answer about their journeys.
S: I first traveled a long distance by train when I was seven years old. I went with my parents from Nanjing to Beijing.?
S: I first traveled a long dis tance by train when I was twelve years old. I went with my classmates and my teacher from my hometown to Beijing.?
Then tell the students the following:
I first traveled a long distance by train last year.?
I went to Harbin with my husband and my son. Last Spring Festival, I went there to see the icy city―Harbin. There are a lot of wonderful statues, carved out of snow. I hope you will go there in the future.?
ゃStep 7 Discussion?
T: We can make a trip in many ways. But what do you have to consider before you decide the means of transportati on? I think we must conside r time and money we have to spend, and whether we’ll feel comfortable and safe during travels. Thus is very reasonable. Do you understand?
 (Show a map of the world, a map of China and some situations on the screen.)?
T: Now look at the screen an d discuss how you’d like to go to the places, by train, by bus or by air. Besides, give the reason why you make the decision.?
1. from Shanghai to London?
2. from Beijing to Guangzhou?
3. from Dalian to Qingdao?
4. from Chongqing to Chengdu?
(The teacher gives the students a few minutes to discuss in groups of four and asks some of them to give their ideas.)?
Suggested ideas: ?
1. Situation 1?
By air. It’s a long way from Shanghai to London. It’s the better and faster way to get there by air than by ship.?
2. Situation 2?
By train. Beijing is far from Guangzhou. We can get there by train or by plane. It’s faster by plane, but it’s better to go there by train. On the train we can be comfortable and enjoy the beautiful scenes on the way there.?
By boat/ship. It’s shorter by ship than by bus or train. Meanwhile, we can enjoy the beautiful scene on the sea.?
3. Situation 3?
By boat/ship. It’s shorter by ship than by bus or train. Me anwhile, we can enjoy the beautiful scene on the season.?
4. Situation 4?
By bus. Chongqing is not far from Chengdu. It takes us only several hours to get there by bus. It’s faster by bus than by train.?
ゃStep 8 Summary and Homework?
Today we’ve learned some vocabulary on the vehicles and done some speaking and known how to choose means of transportation. Also we’ve learned to discribe the first time you traveled a long distance. Besides, we’ve learnt some words (pointing to the blackboard).?
A. ferry, helicopter, tram, plane, motorbike, distance?
B. get on/off/into/out (of), ride/dive, take off, land.?
ゃStep 8 The Design of Writing on the Blackboard?
Module 3 My First Ride on a Train?
The First Period?
1.Words: ? 2.Verbs: ?
helicopter ?n.   motorbike ?n.?? get on get off?
tram ?n.? distance ?n.?? get into get out (of)
a long distance ?n.  ride/dive/land
take off?
3._________travel on roads?
_________on rails?
_________on water?
_____ ____in the air
ゃStep 9 Activity and Inquiry?
StepsStudents! ActingTeacher’s Organizing
1Look at the pictures give the words.Show the pictures on the screen.
2Answer the following.Write on the blackboard.
3Write down the description.Give description.