
petition in their study by pair work or group work.


To enable the students to speak out opinions about some paintings with some expressions

To enable the students to grasp the new works and phrases in this part

Teaching procedures: PWP Teaching Model

Step1.leading-in activity

I will use the paintings The Smile of Mona Lisa by da Vinci and the works by Zheng Banqiao on the screen to lead in the topic. Meanwhile, I will introduce the key new words: artist, paint, traditional, brush, ink.

T: Hello, class, do you know who painted the picture The Smile of Mona Lisa?

T: Yes, it was da Vinci, who was a famous artist.

T: What about this one? This is a typical Chinese traditional painting. Do you know what tools do the artists use to create a Chinese traditional painting?

T: Yes, Xuan paper, a soft brush and ink are needed.

T: Do you want to enjoy more artists’ works? OK. Today, we’ll learn more about some western and Chinese arts and artists. First, let’s learn some new words.

I’ll make sure that the students work in pairs to catch the meanings of the words on the screen and pronounce them correctly.

(We can also lead in by way of a short video showing painting.)

Step 2.While―reading


During the start of the period, let the students scan the passage to find out the answers to the questions on Page32, which are about the topics.

⑴Match paintings 1-4 with descriptions in paragraphs A-D.

⑵Say which paintings are mentioned in paragraph E and F.

2)Detailed reading

During this period, I’ll allow students enough time to read the text and then I let them work in groups to do the following two tasks:

⑴Do the multiple choices on the screen.

⑵Fill in the form on the screen, which is mainly about the famous artists.

3)Language points

I’ll let the students, in groups, learn and practice the key words and phrases in the form of transformation of sentences, completing sentences or translation, letting them summarize the usage of the words and phrases.

⑴consider 认为

①This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, and he is considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.

This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, ____ ____ ____

the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.

②We consider that his advice is helpful.

We consider his advice ____ ____ helpful.

③She __________________(被认为是个可爱的孩子).


①Cubist artists painted objects and people, and different aspects of the object or person showed at the same time.

Cubist artists painted objects and people, ___ different aspects of the object or person ____ at the same time.

②He had so much work to do, he was kept as busy as a bee.

____ so much work ____ ____, he was kept as busy as a bee.

③I felt a bit nervous because so many people were watching me so closely.

I felt a bit nervous, ____ so many people ____ me so closely.

④Because his homework had been finished, he went out to play.

____ his homework ____, he went out to play.

⑤He went to sleep, with the door open.

He went to sleep, and ____ ____ ____ ____.

⑥Tom came in, and there was a baseball bat in his hand.

Tom came in, with a baseball ____ ____ ____.

⑶aim 以…为目标;意欲;打算

①Pop art (from the word “popular”) was an important modern art movement that attempted to show ordinary twentieth-century city life.

Pop art (from the word “popular”) was an important modern art movement that ____ ____ show ordinary twentieth-century city life.

②Our aim is to start and run our own company.

We ____ ____ start and run our own company.

③I’m aiming at losing 4 kg before the summer holidays.

I ____ ____ ____ lose 4 kg before the summer holidays.

⑷stand 忍受

①I don’t like that picture of a golden-haired girl.

I can’t ____ that picture of a golden-haired girl.

②We have to put up with her bad temper.

We have to ____ her bad temper.

③I can’t stand working in the extreme heat for several hours.(英译汉)


⑸I got bored of looking at pictures all the time.

I ____ ____ ____ looking at pictures all the time.

⑹Tom gradually became interested in art.

Tom ____ ____ ____ ____ art.

Step3. Post―reading

During this period, I’ll let the students do the following tasks.

⑴Find out the structures that can be used to giving opinions about likes and dislikes from the paragraphs E and F individually.

⑵And then, along with the students, I’ll look through the sentences giving opinions, provided in the first part of Function, making sure that they know how to express likes and dislikes. Show the students a series of paintings on the screen, letting them in groups talk about the pictures they like and dislike, and why or why not, using the information learned from the reading material(or in the form of interviewing―group work).

Step4. Homework

Try to find more paintings and artists you like through the Internet.

Prepare to introduce a painting in English to your classmates next class.

(The day students are assigned to the first task; and the rest of the students to the second.)


Module 4 Fine arts―Western, Chinese and Pop Arts Period One

consider: consider sb./sth. to be adj./n.

with复合结构: with+宾语+宾补(adj./adv./prep. Phrase/-ing/-ed/inf.)

aim v./n. aim to do sth. aim at doing sth.

stand+n./doing sth.

get tired of/get bored of “厌烦……”

develop an interest in“养成对……的兴趣”


In the process of leading in, students are familiar with the paintings and the artists, so the pictures can easily arouse their interest and desire to participate. In the process of while-reading, pay attention to the developing of students reading strategies. In the process dealing with language points, setting the new words in a context helps the students learn and comprehend the meaning and the usage of them. In the discussion about their favorite paintings, some students are reluctant to speak, partly because of their lack of knowledge of painting; most students can communicate with their partners or group members after learning the reading materials. The task of assignment is set for the sake of the second period, that is, Listening and vocabulary, to some extent.

第二课时:Listening and vocabulary, Everyday English, Speaking


Language objectives:

To enable the students to grasp the new words in the listening material.

To enable the students to comprehend and put to use the everyday English in the listening material.

Skill objectives:

To enable the students to follow the listening material about artists and art works, which has similar difficulty to the reading material, and identify opinions.

To enable the students to pay attention to the weak sound and read correctly.

To enable the students to give opinions about certain paintings

Culture awareness, emotions and attitudes objectives:

To enable the students to have ability to enjoy and eva luate various paintings and drawings

To enable the students to be able to find the beautiful scenes around us, love art and love life

To develop the students’capability and awareness of co-operation and competition in their study by pair work or group work.


To enable the students to follow the listening material about artists and art works, which has similar difficulty to the reading material, and identify opinions.

To enable the students to pay attention to the weak sound and read correctly.

To enable the students to give opinions about certain paintings

Teaching procedures: PWP Teaching Model


I’ll let some students display their favorite paintings or artists and give their opinions about their favorite paintings or artists.

Step2. Pre-listening

⑴I’ll show some pictures on the screen; that is, a watercolor, an oil painting, a portrait, a landscape, an art gallery.

Through showing the pictures, I, together with the students study the new words,( watercolor, oil painting, portrait, landscape, art gallery), letting them pay attention to the pronunciation and the weak sounds/unstressed syllables of the words.

⑵Then I’ll let the students in pairs learn the meaning of the new words in the contexts, in the form of completing the sentences with them (Part1, Page36), after reading after me.

Step3. While-listening

⑴Before listening, ask the students to look at the two pictures on Page36 and find out some similarities and differences. Listen for the first time, and answer the following questions:

①What are the boy and girl are discussing?

②Which picture is the boy painting, Picture1 or Picture2? Say how you know this.

③Why does the girl say sorry at the end of the conversation?

⑵Detailed listening/Pair work

Listen to the conversation again, and complete the following sentences. (Part3, Page37)

First let the students check their answers with their partners; then I’ll play the recording again for them to check; and then I’ll check the answers with the class.

Then I’ll show the following sentences on the screen:

①You’ve got it right.

②Don’t change a thing.

③I’m not half as good as you.

④What do you make of it?

⑤There’s (an exhibition) on.

⑥Thanks for the compliment.

This time I ask the students to think about the meaning of the sentences after listening to the recording again, and then do the exercise on Page38 (Part1) in pairs. Then collect the answers from the whole class.

Step4. Post-listening

⑴Let the students describe the Picture2 on Page36 in pairs.

⑵Act the dialogue out in pairs.

⑶Make up dialogues using the everyday English learned from the listening material.

Step5. Homework

⑴Look through the Cultural Corner and collect some works of Pablo Picasso or information about him on the Internet.

⑵ Look through the Cultural Corner and tell which picture below belongs to the “pink period”, Which one do you like best? Which do you like least? And give your opinions about the pictures.


2 3


The day students are assigned to the first task; and the rest of the students to the second task.

实施效果与反思: At the start of the period, using the pictures to introduce the some of the new words in the listening material can arouse students’ interest and reduce the difficulty students have in listening to the material. Similarly, letting students look at the two pictures on Page36 and find out some similarities and differences can arouse their curiosity and reduce the difficulty of Question-- Which picture is the boy painting, Picture1 or Picture2? Say how you know this. In the process of while-listening, After showing the six sentences taken from the recording on the screen, then let students listen to the recording while listening to the recording, which helps students comprehend the everyday English according to the context. In the process of post-listening, the task of making up dialogues in pairs strengthen students’ cooperation in one aspect; meanwhile, students can grasp the usage of the everyday English. The task of assignment is set to make students learn more about art and artists and provides more chances for students to practice giving opinions. On the other hand, it is for the transition to the grammatical learning in the next period.

第三课时:Grammar1 & Grammar 2 and Vocabulary


Language objectives:

To enable the students to grasp the usage of ?ing form acting as subjects and objects and the infinitive acting as objects.

To enable the students to grasp the usage of the new words and phrases.

Skill objectives:

To enable the students to understand the grammatical function of ?ing form and the infinitive.

To enable the students to use ?ing form and the infinitive correctly.

To enable the students to spell the new words correctly and comprehend the new words in the contexts.

Culture awareness, emotions and attitudes objectives:

To enable the students to have ability to enjoy the process of learning grammar and new words.

To develop the students’capability and awareness of co-operation and competition in their study by pair work or group work.


To enable the students to grasp the usage of ?ing form acting as subjects and objects and the infinitive acting as objects.

To enable the students to grasp the usage of the new words and phrases

Teaching procedures: PWP Teaching Model


I’ll let some volunteers show their works about of Pablo Picasso or information about him on the Internet.

Share some students’ opinions about their paintings and remind them to pay attention to the usage of ?ing form or the infinitive in their speech.

T: We want to share your opinions about some painting. Xiao Hua, which painting do like?

Ss: I like/am fond of…

T: What do you think of it?

Ss: I think…

Step2. Leading-in/Presenting

I’ll show a series of sentences containing ?ing form or the infinitive acting as subjects or objects on the students learning plan. And then let the students in groups discuss similarities and differences between the sentences and classify them according to their characteristics.

1)A picture should attempt to show the “life” of its subject.

2)He promised to take me around the art gallery.

3)He boy is fond of drawing.

4)The boy suggests going to an art exhibition.

5)Painting is difficult for me.

6)Copying a picture is a good way to learn to paint.

7)I can’t stand listening to such noise all the time.

8)He is so interested in English that he will never get tired of practicing it with his classmates.

9) Pop art aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city life.

10) The two cheats pretended to be working hard.

11) I happen to know the answer to your question.

12) The manager has agreed to improve the working conditions in the company.

13)She put off holding the class meeting.

14)My father has given up drinking.

15)The farmers went on working in the rain.

16)He welcomed the new students and then went on to explain the school rules.

17)Being late means waiting for another hour.

18)I meant to call on you on my way home.

19)I like swimming, playing tennis and things like that.

20)I like to see the children enjoying themselves.

Group One(verbs/verbal phrase + the infinitive as objects):1) attempt; 2)promise; 9)aim; 10)pretend; 11)happen; 12)agree

Group Two(verbs/ phrase + ?ing form as objects): 4) suggest; 7)stand; 13)put off; 14).give up;3)be fond of; 8)get tired of

Group Three(verbs/verbal phrase + ?ing form as objects/ the infinitive as objects): 15),16) go on; 17),18)mean; 19),20)like

Group Four (-ing form as subjects): 5)painting; 6)copying a picture; 17)being late

Then let the students continue discussing in groups and then give them a listing task, that is, adding as many verbs or phrases as they can to Groups1-3.

Group One只能用不定式作宾语的动词:refuse, promise, pretend, wish, hope, agree, ask, decide, expect, manage, offer, afford, agree, ask ,beg, care, choose, dare, desire, determine , fail, learn , prepare, plan, long, happen, seem…

Group Two只能用v-ing 形式作宾语的动词或短语:admit, avoid, appreciate, keep, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, imagine, mention, mind, miss, practice, permit, risk ,suggest, advise, allow, permit…

feel like, give up, put off , can’t help (禁不住), can’t stand (无法忍受) , be busy in, be worth, lead to, look forward to,, stick to, be used to, get down to, object to, pay attention to…

Group Three

1)能用不定式又能用v-ing 形式,并且意义差异不大的动词:prefer, continue, like, hate, love

2)既可接不定式又可接v-ing 形式,但含义不同的动词有:remember, forget, try, go on, mean, regret…

Step3. Practice

⑴First divide students into five parts(1-5), each part assigned to words of Groups1-5 respectively, and then let them work in pairs to choose some of the words belonging to their group, making sentences or dialogues.

⑵Multiple choice and complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the brackets.( Pair work)

1.― You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting .

― Well , now I regret _____ that .

A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. doing

2.The squirrel was so lucky that it just missed ____.

A. catching B. being caught C. to be caught D. to catch

3.The teacher doesn’t permit ____ in class.

A. shouting B. shout C. to shout D. having shouted

4. ―What makes you so happy?

― ____.

A. Passing the driving test B. Because I’ve passed the driving test

C. For passing the driving test D. Pass the driving test

5.I forgot _____ (buy) the book, so I have to borrow one.

6.Please remember____ (turn off) the light when you leave.

7.Try _____ (knock) at the back door and see whether he is in or not.

8.We must try ____ (come) here as early as possible.

9.What do you mean ___ ( do) with it?

10.I won’t stay if it means ____(listen) to another dull talk.

11.He refused ____ (tell) me the truth of the incident.

12.He has given up ____ (drink) for a long time.

Step4.Presenting the words and phrases to be learned.

First I’ll present the usage of words to the students and then let them in pairs practice them in the context by way of completing sentences.

1)delightful adj. 令人愉快的;可爱的

delight vt. 使高兴

delight n. 欣喜;喜悦;使人高兴的事

take delight in 以……为乐

to one’s delight 令人高兴的事

delighted adj. 愉快的;高兴的

be delighted to do sth./ that…/at/by/with

①He played a ____ melody on his flute.


②He was a most delightful companion, full of wit and humor.


③____ ____ ____, our football team won.


④The clown ____ the audience.


⑤We were ____ ____ read your novel.


2) scene n. 景色;风景;场;场面

scenery, scene, view, landscape和sight辨析






①The ____ of this play is set in Ireland.


②There’s a fine ____ of the lake from our hotel window.


③She preferred a good ____ to a portrait.


④He stood waving until the train was out of ____.


3) alive adj. 有活力的;有生气的;活着的;依然存在的

be alive with 充满了

come alive 活跃起来;变得有生气/繁忙

alive, live 和living辨析


2)live通常作前置定语,且常修饰动物、鸟类、鱼类等,还有“实况播送的”的意思。Live 还可用作副词,表示“现场播出”之意。


①The injured man is unconscious but still ____.


②The road is ____ ____ lookers on.


③They are campaigning against experiments on ____ ____.


4) observe vt. 观察;注意到;遵守;庆祝

observe sb. do sth./doing sth./done 看到某人做某事/正在做某事/被……

①He observed a stranger ____ with Mary.


②I observed him ____ at the gate.


5adopt vt. 采用;收养

adopt an idea 采纳意见

adopt a child 领养孩子

①Our boss will ____ ____ ____.


②He refused ____ ____ the orphan.


6)aim v. 以……为目标;打算;意欲

n. 目的;目标;瞄准

aim to do sth. 立志做某事;意欲做某事

aim (…) at … 把……瞄准……;旨在;针对

①I ____ ____ ____ a top student in our class.


②The government took new measures, ____ ____ deal with the financial crisis.


③The program ____ ____ ____ young teenagers.


7)stand vt. (常用于否定句或疑问句)忍受,容忍

stand sb./sth. 忍受某人/某事

stand doing sth. 忍受做某事

①I just can’t stand the cold.


②She can’t stand ____ ____ ____ ____.


8) destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏

destroy表示“毁坏”, 通常指彻底的毁掉或毁灭, 往往暗示无法或很难修复,也可用于损坏抽象的东西,比如名誉、计划、努力等。

①The fire ____ ____ ____ ____.


②He didn’t mean ____ ____ ____.


9) take turns 轮流

take turns to do sth./take turns at doing sth. 轮流做某事

by turns 轮流地;时而……,时而……

①The doctors ____ ____ _____ joining in the mobile medical team now.


②We agreed ____ ____ ____ ____ clean the classroom.


③He gets cheerful and sad ____ ____.



Recite the following pithy formula:






offer(提出), learn(学会), intend, plan(打算), demand, ask(要求), promise (答应), help (帮忙), prepare (准备), decide, determine (决定), refuse (拒绝), dare(敢于), manage(设法), wish, hope want, expect(希望,想要), fail, pretend (假装), choose(甘愿)




(suggest, advise, stop, resist, enjoy, imagine, finish, escape)


(admit, excuse, delay, practice)


(consider, keep, mind, understand, avoid, miss, risk)

实施效果与反思: In the process, through various ways of presenting and practices, according to the cognitive learning of students, with the inductive and deduction method, students with different characteristic and levels can obtain much in the process of learning grammar and words; meanwhile, students can keep interested and participate in the individual work, pair work and group work.



Language objectives:

To enable the students to learn about the structure of a typical paragraph, what is a topic sentence and how to develop a paragraph..

Skill objectives:

To enable the students to write a passage containing a topic sentence.

To enable the students to have ability to enjoy the process of writing.

To develop the students’capability and awareness of co-operation and competition in their study by pair work or group work.


To enable the students to write a passage containing a topic sentence.

Teaching procedures: PWP Teaching Model

Step1. Pre-writing

First I’ll present a typical paragraph on the screen and analyze it, pointing out the structure of the paragraph. And then define the topic sentence.

We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit because it causes health problems.Doctors say it can be a direct cause of cancer of the lungs and throat and can also contribute to cancer of other organs. In addition, it can bring about other health problems such as heart and lung diseases. It is clearly known as one of the chief causes of death in our society.

The topic sentence(主题句): We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit,because it causes health problems.

Supporting sentences(拓展句): 1) Doctors say it can be a direct cause of cancer of the lungs and throat and can also contribute to cancer of other organs.

2) In addition, it can bring about other health problems such as heart and lung diseases.

The concluding sentence(结论句): It is clearly known as one of the chief causes of death in our society.

段落中的主题句(topic sentence)是全段的统领,它说明段落的中心思想和作者写作的目的。段落的其余句子必须与主题句密切相关,共同阐明、证实主题句。因此,主题句具有概括性,支配段落中其他各句的走句。有时,段落中没有结论句。

Step2. While-writing

⑴After making sure students know what a topic sentence is, what the structure of a paragraph is, I’ll let them in pairs identify the topic sentences in paragraphs on the students learning plan. Meanwhile, remind students that sometimes topic sentences lies at the end of a paragraph, or even in the middle of a paragraph.

Exercise One:

Read the following paragraphs and underline the topic sentence.

1)But no matter what it is called, all polyester has certain good points. It does not wrinkle easily. It dries quickly after it is washed. It holds its shape. It is strong and keeps its colors well.

2)Names usually have origins, especially for Indians. Indians with distinctive physical characteristics, might be given names such as Big Foot or Crooked Leg. If there had been a big storm on the day of a baby’s birth, the baby might have been named Thundercloud. Grey Eagle, Red-Dog, Big Bear, and Spotted Wolf are examples of Indian names after animals.

3) Electric products are closely connected with our lives. Electric alarm clocks and music pouring from our radio awaken us; we brush our teeth with an electric toothbrush, and shave with an electric razor. We read today’s headlines from newspapers printed on huge electric presses, and we write a letter on our electric typewriter before leaving for work to operate a computer and word processor.

4) Suppose you’re playing a game. You make a silly mistake and lose. Do you become angry?Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time? Suppose you are at a special dinner. You accidentally spill some food. Why keep worrying about how clumsy you look?Why not laugh it off and enjoy yourself anyway?If you can, it’s good sign you’ve really grown up.

Exercise Tw

Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph.

1)Topic sentence:_____________________________________

I love sunny days because they are ideal for outings. I remember the sunny weekend when two roommates and I had a marvelous time in the old Summer Palace. Under the blue sky, the trees are bathed in golden light. On rainy days, I enjoy the sound of raindrops beating on the windowpanes. I watch the rain washing the trees and grass clean, knowing they will glitter when it clears up and hoping a rainbow will follow. In winter, a heavy snowfall offers a different type of pleasure. Cold as it often is, I always go outdoors and leave my footprints in the thick snow while throwing snowballs and making snowmen with my fellow students.

A. A person should learn to be happy in all weathers.

B. One’s mood should not be affected by bad weather.

C. People usually prefer fine weather to severe weather.

D. I enjoy both sunny weather and rainy or snowy weather.

2) Topic sentence: ______________________________________

On a cloudy day the clouds hide the sun, but the sun is always there. The clouds of thoughts, worries and desires cover and hide our happiness. We have to get rid of them in order to experience it. Then the happiness that lies in the soul and is always there will give us warmth. Also, happiness does not depend on circumstances. Objects and events are not its causes. It is dependent only on one thing: the peace in our mind. This means that in order to experience happiness intentionally, we have to make our mind silent, calm and relaxed. This happiness I am talking about is constant and existing for ever. It is our nature; only our thoughts stand in our way of experiencing it. Drive away the thoughts and you are happy.

A. Happiness always gives us warmth.

B. Happiness can be found everywhere.

C. Happiness is not dependent on our mind.

D. Happiness is inside us and is not far away.

Exercise Three:

Look at the sentences below. Put them into the right order to make a paragraph. Find the topic sentence first.

1)①Their painting were realistic, but the painters also wanted to show their feelings about the landscape.

②These artists painted with watercolors and inks, using soft brushes.

③Chinese landscape painting was at its best over a thousand years ago, in the time of the Song landscape artists.

④They were very successful in achieving both aims.

Keys: ③②①④

2)①Also, most English men will open a door for a woman or offer their seat to a woman, and so will most Americans.

②The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.

③For example, in both America and England, people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time.

④Promptness is important both in England and in America.

⑤That is, if a dinner invitation is for 7 o’clock, the dinner guest either arrives close to that time or calls up to explain his delay.

Keys: ②③①④⑤

⑵Now I’ll divide the students into three big groups, each group assigned one topic sentence, the students in each group will write a paragraph beginning with the topic sentence individually. Then they will exchange their work with their partner for peer correction of language and structure. And then exchange their work with students from other groups for peer correction of language and structure.

Topic sentences:

①Everyone agrees that traditional Chinese painting is very beautiful.

②Television can also play an educational role in our daily life.

③However,television can also be harmful.

Step3. Post-writing

I’ll ask some volunteers to read out their paragraph and let others make comments on their writing, giving opinions.

Step4. Homework

⑴Let the day school students look up more information about topic sentences online.

⑵Let the rest of the students work out or collect some topic sentences. And think about what a good topic sentence is.

实施效果与反思:First I present the topic sentence by analyzing the structure of a paragraph, which can help students comprehend what a topic sentence is more easily, and then I give the definition in Chinese, which can strengthen or further clarify the cognition of topic sentences. And I present various practices aimed at topic sentences to the students step by step. Through the series of practice, most students can move on to the writing of common topic sentences smoothly. After they’ve exchanged opinions on their work, it is not difficult for them to write a paragraph containing a topic sentence and it is not difficult for them to tell which one is a better or best topic sentence.

第五课时:阶段检测评价课 (完形填空、书面表达任选一题)

Teaching objectives: To make an assessment of the vocabulary, grammar, function and topic in this module.

Time limit: 40 minutes 总分:45分



1._______ (模仿)parents’ acts and words is very helpful for children to learn.

2.She strongly _______ (憎恶)being spoken to like that.

3.I was ________ (高兴的)to be invited to her party.

4.The scientists _______ (观察)the behavior of the mice after they were given the drug.

5.The Chinese gymnastic team ______ (实现)their dream at the 2008 Olympic Games.

6.The poor couple found great difficulty in ________(收养) the little girl.

7.The Japanese language has different __________ (表达)of politeness.

8.The westerners _________ (传统)eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

9.The villagers were shocked at the sight of the________(毁坏)village after the earthquake.

10.They considered all the economic _______ (方面) of buying a famous car.


11.John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work ________, he gladly accepted it.

A. finished B. finishing

C. having finished D. was finished

12.My son aims ___ a doctor after graduation.

A. being B. having been

C. to be D. to have been

13.The people of Beijing have ____ an interest _____ learning English as a result of the successful bid (申办) for the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. developed; in B. found; on

C. discovered; of D. to have invented

14.The lake is _____ with fish. What a beautiful scene!

A. living B. alive C. live D. lively

15.Seeing the happy ______ of the children playing there, I’ll full of joy and hope for the future of our country.

A. scene B. sign

C. sense D. view

16.John is fond ____ football, while his brother is crazy _____ music.

A. at; for B. of; about

C. with; at D. for; with

17.He worked hard, and finally his dreams _____ .

A. realized B. was realized

C. were realized D. were come true

18.― Robert is indeed a wise man.

―Oh, yes. How often I have regretted ______ his advice!

A. to take B. taking

C. not to take D. not taking

19.Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried ____alone, but she didn’t like it and moved back home.

A. living B. to live

C. to be living D. having lived

20.Many people observed the thief ______ something from the lady’s bag, but no one stopped him ____ that.

A. steal; to do B. to steal; doing

C. stealing; do D. steal; doing

21.―You’ve done a very good job. I’m quite satisfied.

― _______

A. We could have done better.

B. Do you think so?

C. Thanks for your compliment.

D. You must be joking.

22.You can not _____him _____a selfish man though he looks cold.

A. consider; be B. look on; to be

C. think of; with D. consider; \

23.― What do you _____ the film Shark?

―More than exciting!

A. find out B. consider as

C. deal with D. make of

24.―Jack can’t attend the party tonight.

―But he _____ to come.

A. refused B. suggested C. can’t stand D. promised

25.The fire in the south of the country ____ the whole forest.

A. destroyed B. hurt

C. damaged D. injured



Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503. He was working 26 a special painting for a church at that time 27 the church painting was not 28 well. An Italian business man asked da Vinci to paint a picture of his second 29 . This is the woman who 30 be seen in the Mona Lisa.

All in all, the Mona Lisa is a very good example of da Vinci’s 31 and it satisfied the husband. Leonardo da Vinci used 32 and light in a clever 33 in the painting. Leonardo da Vinci loved science and 34 . Right away a person can see that there is a lot of geometry(几何)in the Mona Lisa. The face of the Mona Lisa is made of many circles and 35 shapes like 36 . Even her 37 can be seen as a small part of a large circle. The woman in the 38 is sitting on a balcony and 39 can be seen behind her. Leonardo da Vinci loved to study rocks so these can be seen 40 in his other paintings. The woman is sitting with her knees 41 the side. Her head is turned to look out of the painting. Her hands are 42 together in front of her. This way of 43 is now used by many 44 when 45 . Leonardo da Vinci is a remarkable (非凡的)master.

26. A. up B. in C. on D. about

27. A. but B. thus C. however D. so

28. A. doing B. going C. making D. working

29. A. servant B. daughter C. nurse D. wife

30. A. must B. should C. might D. can

31. A. works B. jobs C. novels D. photos

32. A. heaviness B. black C. darkness D. oils

33. A. way B. picture C. hand D. eye

34. A. chemistry B. maths C. geography D. biology

35. A. square B. round C. long D. egg

36. A. balls B. sticks C. vases D. boxes

37. A. smile B. shout C. cry D. anger

38. A. church B. painting C .sofa D. house

39. A. rivers B. buildings C. mountains D. people

40. A. by and by B. little and little C. over and over D. up and down

41. A. on B. by C. to D. beyond

42. A. caught B. held C. supported D. hung

43. A. painting B. living C. smiling D. sitting

44. A. women B. actresses C. girls D. models

45. A. they are being painting B. painting

C. they are being painted D. they have painted

IV. 书面表达(20分)


1. 齐白石(1864--1957)是我国最伟大的画家之一。

2. 湖南湘潭人。家境贫困,仅在12岁前随外祖父读过一段私塾。年青时作过木匠。

3. 在1902-1909年之间游历祖国各地, 画了很多山水画。

3. 后来他的兴趣转向画日常生活中的简单事物,如蔬菜,花鸟,昆虫等。

4. 《白菜》是他的一幅著名作品。画上,在大白菜旁边的小昆虫两眼盯着白菜,显出对白菜极大的兴趣。

5. 齐白石的画常常给观众留下想象的空间。

提示:私塾 private school; 木匠carpenter; 昆虫 insect; 白菜 cabbage



I.1.Imitating 2.dislikes 3. delighted 4. observed 5. realized 6. adopting 7. expressions 8. traditionally 9. destroyed 10. aspects

II.11.A 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.D 21.C 22.D 23.D 24.D 25.A

III.26-30. CABDC 31-35. ACABB 36-40. AABCC 41-45. CBDDC


Qi Baishi (1863-1957) was one of China’s greatest painters. He was born in a farmer’s family in Xiangtan, Hunan province. He had only studied in a private school from his grandfather before he was twelve.

He worked as a carpenter when he was young. Between 1902 and 1909, he traveled across the country and painted many landscapes. His interest changed later to simple things from everyday life, such as vegetables, flowers, birds and insects. Cabbage is a well-known example of his work. The little insect in the picture fixed its eyes on the cabbage, which shows great interest in the cabbage. Qi Baishi’s paintings often leave the audience thinking.

第三课时:Grammar1 & Grammar 2 and Vocabulary

Students learning plan3

Part1: Discuss similarities and differences between the sentences and classify them according to their characteristics.

1)A picture should attempt to show the “life” of its subject.

2)He promised to take me around the art gallery.

3)He boy is fond of drawing.

4)The boy suggests going to an art exhibition.

5)Painting is difficult for me.

6)Copying a picture is a good way to learn to paint.

7)I can’t stand listening to such noise all the time.

8)He is so interested in English that he will never get tired of practicing it with his classmates.

9) Pop art aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city life.

10) The two cheats pretended to be working hard.

11) I happen to know the answer to your question.

12) The manager has agreed to improve the working conditions in the company.

13)She put off holding the class meeting.

14)My father has given up drinking.

15)The farmers went on working in the rain.

16)He welcomed the new students and then went on to explain the school rules.

17)Being late means waiting for another hour.

18)I meant to call on you on my way home.

19)I like swimming, playing tennis and things like that.

20)I like to see the children enjoying themselves.

Group One(verbs/verbal phrase + the infinitive as objects):

Group Two(verbs/ phrase + ?ing form as objects):

Group Three(verbs/verbal phrase + ?ing form as objects/ the infinitive as objects):

Group Four (-ing form as subjects):

Part2.Listing task: adding as many verbs or phrases as they can to Groups1-3. (Group work)

Group One接不定式作宾语的动词:

Group Two接v-ing 形式作宾语的动词或短语:

Group Three

1)能用不定式又能用v-ing 形式,并且意义差异不大的动词:

2)既可接不定式又可接v-ing 形式,但含义不同的动词有:

Part3.Multiple choice and complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the brackets.( Pair work)

1.― You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting .

― Well , now I regret _____ that .

A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. doing

2.The squirrel was so lucky that it just missed ____.

A. catching B. being caught C. to be caught D. to catch

3.The teacher doesn’t permit ____ in class.

A. shouting B. shout C. to shout D. having shouted

4. ―What makes you so happy?

― ____.

A. Passing the driving test B. Because I’ve passed the driving test

C. For passing the driving test D. Pass the driving test

5.I forgot _____ (buy) the book, so I have to borrow one.

6.Please remember____ (turn off) the light when you leave.

7.Try _____ (knock) at the back door and see whether he is in or not.

8.We must try ____ (come) here as early as possible.

9.What do you mean ___ ( do) with it?

10.I won’t stay if it means ____(listen) to another dull talk.

11.He refused ____ (tell) me the truth of the incident.

12.He has given up ____ (drink) for a long time.

Part4.Work in pairs, complete the sentences according to the Chinese meaning, paying attention to the usage of the following words or phrases.

1)delightful adj. 令人愉快的;可爱的

delight vt. 使高兴

delight n. 欣喜;喜悦;使人高兴的事

take delight in 以……为乐

to one’s delight 令人高兴的事

delighted adj. 愉快的;高兴的

be delighted to do sth./ that…/at/by/with

①He played a ____ melody on his flute.


②He was a most delightful companion, full of wit and humor.


③____ ____ ____, our football team won.


④The clown ____ the audience.


⑤We were ____ ____ read your novel.


2) scene n. 景色;风景;场;场面

scenery, scene, view, landscape和sight辨析






①The ____ of this play is set in Ireland.


②There’s a fine ____ of the lake from our hotel window.


③She preferred a good ____ to a portrait.


④He stood waving until the train was out of ____.


3) alive adj. 有活力的;有生气的;活着的;依然存在的

be alive with 充满了

come alive 活跃起来;变得有生气/繁忙

alive, live 和living辨析


2)live通常作前置定语,且常修饰动物、鸟类、鱼类等,还有“实况播送的”的意思。Live 还可用作副词,表示“现场播出”之意。


①The injured man is unconscious but still ____.


②The road is ____ ____ lookers on.


③They are campaigning against experiments on ____ ____.


4) observe vt. 观察;注意到;遵守;庆祝

observe sb. do sth./doing sth./done 看到某人做某事/正在做某事/被……

①He observed a stranger ____ with Mary.


②I observed him ____ at the gate.


5adopt vt. 采用;收养

adopt an idea 采纳意见

adopt a child 领养孩子

①Our boss will ____ ____ ____.


②He refused ____ ____ the orphan.


6)aim v. 以……为目标;打算;意欲

n. 目的;目标;瞄准

aim to do sth. 立志做某事;意欲做某事

aim (…) at … 把……瞄准……;旨在;针对

①I ____ ____ ____ a top student in our class.


②The government took new measures, ____ ____ deal with the financial crisis.


③The program ____ ____ ____ young teenagers.


7)stand vt. (常用于否定句或疑问句)忍受,容忍

stand sb./sth. 忍受某人/某事

stand doing sth. 忍受做某事

①I just can’t stand the cold.


②She can’t stand ____ ____ ____ ____.


8) destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏

destroy表示“毁坏”, 通常指彻底的毁掉或毁灭, 往往暗示无法或很难修复,也可用于损坏抽象的东西,比如名誉、计划、努力等。

①The fire ____ ____ ____ ____.


②He didn’t mean ____ ____ ____.


9) take turns 轮流

take turns to do sth./take turns at doing sth. 轮流做某事

by turns 轮流地;时而……,时而……

①The doctors ____ ____ _____ joining in the mobile medical team now.


②We agreed ____ ____ ____ ____ clean the classroom.


③He gets cheerful and sad ____ ____.


Part5.Reciting the pithy formulas.





offer(提出), learn(学会), intend, plan(打算), demand, ask(要求), promise (答应), help (帮忙), prepare (准备), decide, determine (决定), refuse (拒绝), dare(敢于), manage(设法), wish, hope want, expect(希望,想要), fail, pretend (假装), choose(甘愿)



(suggest, advise, stop, resist, enjoy, imagine, finish, escape)


(admit, excuse, delay, practice)


(consider, keep, mind, understand, avoid, miss, risk)


Students learning plan 4

Part1: Do the following exercises / Pair work

Exercise One:

Read the following paragraphs and underline the topic sentence.

1)But no matter what it is called, all polyester has certain good points. It does not wrinkle easily. It dries quickly after it is washed. It holds its shape. It is strong and keeps its colors well.

2)Names usually have origins, especially for Indians. Indians with distinctive physical characteristics, might be given names such as Big Foot or Crooked Leg. If there had been a big storm on the day of a baby’s birth, the baby might have been named Thundercloud. Grey Eagle, Red-Dog, Big Bear, and Spotted Wolf are examples of Indian names after animals.

3) Electric products are closely connected with our lives. Electric alarm clocks and music pouring from our radio awaken us; we brush our teeth with an electric toothbrush, and shave with an electric razor. We read today’s headlines from newspapers printed on huge electric presses, and we write a letter on our electric typewriter before leaving for work to operate a computer and word processor.

4) Suppose you’re playing a game. You make a silly mistake and lose. Do you become angry?Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time? Suppose you are at a special dinner. You accidentally spill some food. Why keep worrying about how clumsy you look?Why not laugh it off and enjoy yourself anyway?If you can, it’s good sign you’ve really grown up.

Exercise Tw

Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph.

1)Topic sentence:_____________________________________

I love sunny days because they are ideal for outings. I remember the sunny weekend when two roommates and I had a marvelous time in the old Summer Palace. Under the blue sky, the trees are bathed in golden light. On rainy days, I enjoy the sound of raindrops beating on the windowpanes. I watch the rain washing the trees and grass clean, knowing they will glitter when it clears up and hoping a rainbow will follow. In winter, a heavy snowfall offers a different type of pleasure. Cold as it often is, I always go outdoors and leave my footprints in the thick snow while throwing snowballs and making snowmen with my fellow students.

A. A person should learn to be happy in all weathers.

B. One’s mood should not be affected by bad weather.

C. People usually prefer fine weather to severe weather.

D. I enjoy both sunny weather and rainy or snowy weather.

2) Topic sentence: ______________________________________

On a cloudy day the clouds hide the sun, but the sun is always there. The clouds of thoughts, worries and desires cover and hide our happiness. We have to get rid of them in order to experience it. Then the happiness that lies in the soul and is always there will give us warmth. Also, happiness does not depend on circumstances. Objects and events are not its causes. It is dependent only on one thing: the peace in our mind. This means that in order to experience happiness intentionally, we have to make our mind silent, calm and relaxed. This happiness I am talking about is constant and existing for ever. It is our nature; only our thoughts stand in our way of experiencing it. Drive away the thoughts and you are happy.

A. Happiness always gives us warmth.

B. Happiness can be found everywhere.

C. Happiness is not dependent on our mind.

D. Happiness is inside us and is not far away.

Exercise Three:

Look at the sentences below. Put them into the right order to make a paragraph. Find the topic sentence first.

1) Keys:

①Their painting were realistic, but the painters also wanted to show their feelings about the landscape.

②These artists painted with watercolors and inks, using soft brushes.

③Chinese landscape painting was at its best over a thousand years ago, in the time of the Song landscape artists.

④They were very successful in achieving both aims.

2) Keys:

①Also, most English men will open a door for a woman or offer their seat to a woman, and so will most Americans.

②The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.

③For example, in both America and England, people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time.

④Promptness is important both in England and in America.

⑤That is, if a dinner invitation is for 7 o’clock, the dinner guest either arrives close to that time or calls up to explain his delay.

Part2: Group One writes a paragraph beginning with the first topic sentence; Group Two the second; Group Three the third.

Topic sentences:

①Everyone agrees that traditional Chinese painting is very beautiful.

②Television can also play an educational role in our daily life.

③However,television can also be harmful.



Revised version:





(Jacqueline with Crossed Hands)

《双臂抱胸的女人》,出自毕加索,2000年售出5560 万美元。风格独创且缤纷多变的现代艺术魔术师毕加索,以他绚烂的彩笔,创作出一幅幅影响深远的巨作。近百年来的西方艺术,举其重要者,恐怕除了野兽主义之外,没有一支不是肇始于他,或被他吸收而善加利用的。他的创作是多元化的,熔古今于一炉。

by Roy Lichtenstein 1923年出生于美国纽约的Roy Lichtenstein,享有美国普普艺术之父的美誉。在1938年之前,他专为爵士音乐家绘画肖像。之后,他参加由“艺术学生联盟”(Art Student League)举办的课程,并前往美国俄亥俄州研读艺术。他稍晚的作品横跨立体派与表现主义两种风格。50年代后期,Lichtenstein开始以漫画与广告等通俗文化作为创作媒介,他的第一个普普艺术画出现于1961年,并藉此向世人宣告崭新的艺术风格正式来临。在他运用漫画的手法表现“美国人的生活哲学”(American Way of Life),并且结合著名的艺术创作、雕塑作品与电影创造出多样实验性作品后,纽约现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art)在1987年替他举办了完整的作品展,他于1997年在纽约与世长辞。 齐白石简介:(1863-1957),现代杰出画家,书法家,篆刻家。原名齐璜,纯芝,字渭青、号白石、濒生、阿芝、借山吟馆主者、寄萍老人等。湖南湘潭人。十二岁学粗木工,后做雕花木匠,兼习画。亦习诗文,书法、篆刻,初为画工,为乡里人画衣冠像。六十岁后定居北京,以卖画、刻印为职业。生平推崇徐渭、朱耷、石涛、吴昌硕等前辈诸家,重视创新,不断变化,创造了独特不群的风貌。所画作品,都洋溢着对生活的热爱。其篆刻朴茂有力,书法刚劲沉着,诗文、画论也有独到之处。任中国文学艺术界联合会主席团委员,美术家协会主席。1953年中央文化部授予“人民艺术家”称号。齐白石的虾,栩栩如生,情趣盎然。懂得笔墨也善于操纵笔墨的齐白石,他在下笔画虾时,既能巧妙地利用墨色和笔痕表现虾的结构和质感,又以富有金石味的笔法描绘虾须和长臂钳,使纯墨色的结构里也有着丰富的意味,有着高妙的技巧。 ( 白石翁画虾,乃河虾与对虾二者惬意的“合象”。――李苦禅) (虾的精神状态,虾的有弹力的透明体,虾在水中浮游的动势。把艺术造型的“形”“质”“动”三个要素完满的表现出来,这样丰富的内容,齐白石先生用的是及简练的笔墨,不能多一笔,也不能少一笔,一笔一笔可以数得出来。







