2011四年级英语上学期Unit 3单元测试卷及答案

四年级英语Unit 3单元测试
Name:________ Class: __________
1. A. B. B.

2. A. B.
3. A. B.

4. A. his B. h***
5. A.sports B. spoon
6. A. friend B. friends
7. A. name B. music
8. A. teach*** B. student
9. A. many B. math
10. A.12 B.21
二.听录音,判定图片的对错,用“√ ”或“× ”表示。(10分)

1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( )
4. 5.
( ) ( )

( )1、A. His name is Mike. B. He’s Mike. C. H*** name is Sarah.
( )2、A. It’s green. B. It’s my Chinese book. C. It’s on the chair.
( )3、A. She’s my friend, Amy. B. Yes, she is. C. She’s a girl.
( )4、A. A board, 4 fans and many desks and chairs. B. An ***as***,
a pencil and a ru***r. C. My pencil-case is nice.
( )5、A. I have 5 story-books. B. Sure, h***e you are.
C. I have 3 notebooks.
( )He likes Chinese.
( ) I have a friend.
( ) He has short black hair.
( ) His name is Han.
( ) He has a big nose and a small mouth.
1. __indow 2. ta__i 3. __oyo 4. __oo 5.c__p 6. __est 7. __ellow
8. __each*** 9. __ig*** 10. bo__ 11. __nd*** 12. __at***melon
( )1、Sarah is my friend.
( )2、Sarah has short hair.
( )3、Sarah has a small nose.
( )4、Sarah is cute.
( )5、Sarah likes music.

七、根据句子的意思, 选择正确的单词, 把相应的序号写在横线上.(8分)
1、Zhang Peng is a ______ (A. boy B. girl) . He likes sports.
2、Amy and Lucy are ______ (A. sports B. friends).
3、She has _____ (A. long B. thin) hair.
4、He is Bob. He is _____(A. strong B. quiet). He likes _____(A. science B. sports).
5、Who is the woman? She is my _____(A. student B. teach***). I am h*** _____. (A. student B. teach***)
6、How many pencils do you have? I have 11_____.(A. pencil B. pencils)

( )1、What’s his name? A. Sure, h***e you are.
( )2、Do you like sports? B. She is my teach***.
( )3、Who’s she? C. His name is Wu Yifan.
( )4、How many books do you have? D. Yes, I do.
( )5、May I have a look? E. I have 8.
1、I have a new classroom. But my desk is ______.
2、Sarah is a ______ girl. Mike is a strong boy.
3、My ru***r is long. My friend’s ru***r is ______.
4、The e***phant is _____. The cat is small.
5、Amy has black hair. H*** fath*** has _____ hair.
A.thin B. short C. old D. big E. white

十、读短文,判定下面句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的打“√ ”不相符的打“× ” (10分)
My name is Susan. I am thirty. I have long hair and big eyes. My nose is small. I like sports. I like painting, too. I am an English teach***.
( )1、Susan is 13 years old.
( )2、Susan has short hair.
( )3、Susan’s eyes are big.
( )4、Susan likes sports and music.
( )5、Amy is an English teach***.
1.My friend has long hair.(A) 2.The boy is thin. (B)
3. Zhang Peng likes sciences.(A) 4. H*** name is Lily.(B)
5. Give me a spoon, p***ase.(B) 6. We’re friends.(B)
7. I like music.(B) 8. My fath*** is a teach***.(A)
9. Th***e are many desks and chairs in my classroom.(A)
10. How many books do you have?(A)
1. Let’s c***an the classroom.( ×)
2. Let’s make friends. ( √)
3. Do sports. ( √)
4. Put up the picture. ( ×)
5. Play comput*** games. ( ×)
1、What’s his name?(A)
2. What colour is the fan?(A)
3. Who’s the girl?(A)
4. What’s in the pencil-case?(B)
5. How many books do you have?(C)
I have a friend. His name is Han. He likes Chinese. He has short black hair. He has a big nose and a small mouth.(31425)
1. window 2. taxi 3. yoyo 4. zoo 5.cup 6. vest 7. _yellow 8. teach*** 9. _tig*** 10. box 11. und*** 12. wat***melon
This is my friend, Sarah. She has long hair, big eyes, a small nose and a big mouth. She’s cute. She likes sports.
答案:√ × √ √ ×
七、答案:A B A AB BA B
八、答案:C DBEA
九、答案:C ABDE
十、 答案: ×× √ ××