
四年级英语下册Unit 1 单元检测练习题
外研版(一起)四年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1 练习题

I. 在各组词中选出开音节单词(不止一个):
( )1. A. fine B. ill C. with D. white
( )2. A. apple B. bad C. grade D. cake
( )3. A. nose B. go C. home D. from
( )4. A. bus B. use C. cup D. excuse
( )5. A. egg B. dress C. she D. desk

II. 阅读下列各组句子,然后在空格里填入适当的词,使A组与B组的句子意思相同或相近(每空限填一词):
1. A. —How are you? —I’m fine,thank you.
B. —How are you? —Very ______, ______.
2. A.—How is your father? —He is not well.
B. —How is your ______? —He feels ______.
3. A. —How is she,Ann? —She is ill.
B. — ______, how is she? —She is________ ______ .
4. A. —What’s wrong with Jim? —He has a backache.
B. —What’s________ ______ with Jim? —He has a backache.
5. A. —What’s your name,please? —My name is Billy.
B. —Your name,please? —________ ______.

III. 用下列各句划线词的反义词填空,使句意完整:
1. Wang Ming isn’t ill. He is ______.
2. This is a small bag. It isn’t ______.
3. The girl is not fat. She is ______.
4. That ruler is________. It isn’t a long ruler.
5. The pencil-box isn’t ______ . It’s new.

IV. 根据情景完成对话,每空一词:
1. —_______ are you?
—I’m________. Thanks. And you?
—Not too _______. Thank you.
2. —________is wrong with you?


I. 在各组词中选出开音节单词(不止一个):
(AD)1. A. fine B. ill C. with D. white
(CD)2. A. apple B. bad C. grade D. cake
(ABC)3. A. nose B. go C. home D. from
(BD)4. A. bus B. use C. cup D. excuse
(C)5. A. egg B. dress C. she D. desk

II. 阅读下列各组句子,然后在空格里填入适当的词,使A组与B组的句子意思相同或相近(每空限填一词):
1. A. —How are you? —I’m fine,thank you.
B. —How are you? —Very well, thanks.
2. A.—How is your father? —He is not well.
B. —How is your dad? —He feels bad.
3. A. —How is she,Ann? —She is ill.
B. —Ann, how is she? —She is not well.
4. A. —What’s wrong with Jim? —He has a backache.
B. —What’s the matter with Jim? —He has a backache.
5. A. —What’s your name,please? —My name is Billy.
B. —Your name,please? —I’m Billy.

III. 用下列各句划线词的反义词填空,使句意完整:
1. Wang Ming isn’t ill. He is fine(well).
2. This is a small bag. It isn’t big.
3. The girl is not fat. She is thin.
4. That ruler is short. It isn’t a long ruler.
5. The pencil-box isn’t old . It’s new.

IV. 根据情景完成对话,每空一词:
1. —How are you?
—I’m fine(OK). Thanks. And you?
—Not too bad. Thank you.
2. —What is wrong with you?
—I’m ill.