
1( ) A. Yes, I am. B. No, it’s not.
2( ) A. It’s a dumpling. B. They’re dumplings.
3( ) A. Thanks. B. You’re welcome.
4( ) A. I have a fever. B. That’s a good idea.
5( ) A. Time to go home. B. It’s four thirty.
1( ) A .No, it isn’t. B. No, I’m not.
2( ) A. You’re sick. B. You’re right.
3( ) A. That’s not a bad idea. B. That’s OK.
4( ) A. That’s all right. B. Thank you.
5( ) A. What’s this? B. What’s wrong?
Jack: Hi, Kate.
Kate: Hi, Jack.
Jack: Are you today?
Kate: No, I’m not.
Jack: Let’s go to the .
Kate: That’s a good . Let’s go.
Jack: I want to on the roller coaster.
Do you want to with me?
Kate: No, I want to drive the .
It looks .
Jack: The roller coaster is really , come on.
Kate: I’m sorry. I’m .
bumper car, fun, scared, ride, idea, park, come, exciting, busy

第二部分 笔试测试(60分)
1.Spring Festival(英译汉)______ 2.these(单数形式)   
3.make(现在分词) 4.your(反身代词)
5.Let’s(完整形式)     6.I’m(完整形式)
7.happy(反义词) 8.we(宾格)
9. have(三单) 10. cold(反义词)
1.la_ t_ _ n( ) 2.w_ _ d_ _ ful( )
3.b_ _ _ ti_ _ _( ) 4.w_ _ _ g( )
5.t_ m_ rr_ _( ) 6.p_ _ k( )
7.sc_ _ _ d( ) 8.dr_ v_( )
9.th_ _ ty( ) 10.r_ _ lly( )
1( ) ---What are these? --- dumplings.
A. These are B. They are C. Those are
2( ) Help to dumplings.
A. you B. your C. yourself
3( ) ---Is it Spring Festival? ---Yes, .
A. it isn’t B. it is C. is it
4( )---What’s the matter? ---You sick.
A. see B. is C. look
5( )---Can she go with us? ---I hope .
A. that B .either C. so
6( )--- you busy tomorrow? ---Yes, I am.
A. Are B. Is C. Am
7( )---Do you want to come? ---
A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can.
8( )---What time is it? --- .
A.It’s blue. B. It’s two yuan. C. It’s four thirty.
9( )---Is this a roller coaster? ---
A.Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, she is.
10( )The bumper car is . I am when I drive it.
A. exciting, excited B .excited, exciting
C. excited, excited
1. are, they, what
2. at, we, look, the, night, at, lanterns
night .
3. on, make, we, Monday, dumplings
We .
4. there, up, look
up .
5. like, it, Spring Festival, is
It .
6. I, fever, a, have
I .
The Spring Festival
The Spring Festival is the most important(最重要的) festival for the Chinese people. It’s a traditional(传统的) festival in China. It’s on January or February. Before the Spring Festival comes, the people often clean their homes , wash their clothes ,paste the antithetical couplets(贴对联) and put on the lanterns(挂灯笼). On the Spring Festival, the people get together(聚到一起) and have a big meal(大餐).We eat dumplings for the meal. The children are happy. They can play the fireworks(放烟花) and get the lucy money(压岁钱).
1. What is the Spring Festival?

2. When is the Spring Festival?

3. What do we eat on Spring Festival?

4. What can children do on Spring Festival?

5. Are children happy?

Class Name Mark

1 2 3 4 5 6
( )1、A. I like summer. B. I like fall.
( )2、A. What about a watch? B. What about a robot?
( )3、A. To the park. B. To the zoo.
( )4、A. Where are you going? B. Where do you work?
( )5、A. This is from your aunt. B. This is for you.
( )1. I want to buy
A. him B. her C. a watch D. new shoes
( )2.—Where are you ?
—To the .
A. go B. going C. library D. department
( )3. —Whose is it?
—It’s birthday.
A. birthday B. Friday C. my uncle’s D. my mom’s
( )4. I like . It’s .
A. spring B. fall C. cool D. cold
( )5.He like winter. It’s too .
A. doesn’t B. don’t C. cold D. cool
( )1. w t h A. a , c B. c , e C. a , a
( )2. r b t A. e , e B. o , o C. b , b
( )3. bl A. a , f B. c , e C. o , w
( )4. s m er A. u , m B. a , n C. a , m
( )5. w nter A. b B. a C. i
1. make(现在分词) 2. can’t(完整形式)
3. like(第三人称单数) 4. he(宾格)
5. cold(反义词) 6. Be quiet(中文)
7. do not(缩写形式) 8.快乐(英文)
9. let’s(完整形式) 9.春天(英文)
1. season, like, do, which, you

2. very, she, spring, likes, much

3. is, from, your, this, aunt

4. out, the, all, blow, candles

5. robots, he, making, likes

1.Does it snow here winter?
A. at B. of C. in
2. I like winter. It’s too cold.
A. do B. can’t C. don’t
3. I’m looking a watch.
A. to B. for C. of
4. This is your aunt.
A. from B. on C. in
5. I want to buy a present.
A. he B. him C. she
Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town(城镇) with his wife(妻子) , Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office(办公室) near(附近) his house. He is free(休息) on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden(花园) beside his house. He likes growing(种植) flowers(花) and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown.
( )1. Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife.
A. a city B. a small town C. a big town
( )2. He works_________ days a week in his office.
A. four B. five C. six
( )3. He isn’t _________on Saturdays and Sundays.
A. free B. busy C. happy
( )4. He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays.
A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon
C. looking at his garden
( )5. Mrs Brown _________ the flowers.
A. like B. doesn’t like C. often helps

Class Name Mark
第一部分 听力测试(40分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. A. robot B. hide C. quiet
( )2. A. welcome B. come C. about
( )3. A. festival B. delicious C. dumplings
( )4. A. beautiful B. yourself C. lantern
( )5. A. matter B. number C. headache
( )1. A. It’s Spring Festival.
B. It’s my birthday.
( )2. A. Help yourself to dumplings.
B. Help yourself to cakes.
( )3. A. At night we look at the lanterns.
B. At night we look at the moons.
( )4. A. I have a bad cold.
B.I have a fever.
( )5. A. I want to ride on the roller coaster .
B. I want to drive the bumper car.
( ) How delicious!
( ) You look beautiful.
( ) What are these?
( ) Thanks.
( ) They’re dumplings. Help yourself to dumplings.
( ) Oh, look up there! It’s a lantern.
( ) What do you do on Spring Festival?
( ) How wonderful!
( ) Well...we make dumplings.
( ) At night we look at the lanterns.
第二部分 笔试测试(60分)
1. dump ( ) 2. f tiva ( )
3. m t er ( ) 4. t mo ( )
5. st ache ( ) 6. x ting ( ) ment ( ) 8. F day ( )
9.surp ( ) 10. h p en ( )
( )1. This is you.
A. of B. from C. for
( )2. I like robots.
A. make B. making C. makes
( )3. Where are you ?
A. going B. to go C. go
( )4. I’m a robot.
A. look for B. look at C. looking for
( )5. It exciting!
A. look B. looking C. looks
( )6. I want a bumper car.
A. drive B. to drive C.drives
( )7. you busy tomorrow?
A. are B. Are C. Is
( )8. Can she go us?
A. and B. for C. with
( )9. They’re .
A. a dumpling. B. dumpling C. dumplings
( )10. What do you do Spring Festival?
A. at B. on C. in
( do does can are is )
1. --- you like robots? ---Yes, I .
2. You sick.
3. --- she drive a bumper car? ---No, she not.
4. Lily scared.
5. --- he want to ride on a roller coaster? ---No, he not.
6. we come again.
7. It four thirty.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
A. We make dumplings on Spring Festival. B. I have a fever.
C. At night we look at the lanterns. D. Let’s go to the park.
E. I want to drive a bumper car.
1. Is it your birthday? (写出否定回答)

2. I’m going to the department store. (划线部分提问)

3. Thank you. (写出答语)

4. That’s a good idea. (变成否定句)

5. It’s a lantern. (变复数形式)


Class Name Mark

听力部分 (40%)
一 、听句子,选出你所听到的单词。(10%)
1.( ) post office restaurant supermarket
2.( ) chair where here
3.( ) hospital bookstore cook
4.( ) picture pencil pass
5.( ) milk music smile
6.( ) Science Chinese English
7.( ) working watching welcome
8.( ) math man many
9.( ) bathroom bedroom livingroom
10.( ) twenty thirty fifty
二、听录音,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“ × ”。(12%)

1. ( )A . He’s a policeman .
B . Yes, he is.
C . Yes, she’s my teacher.
2. ( ) A . My name is Tom.
B . Her name is Sarah.
C .This is Sarah.
3. ( ) A. He is watching TV.
B. They are eating.
C. She is cooking.
4. ( ) A. It’s a schoolbag.
B. Some books and pens.
C. It’s red.
5.( ) A. It’s over there.
B. They’re in the room.
C. Oh, I see..
6. ( ) A. I am ten.
B. There are fifteen.
C. He is twelve.
7. ( ) A. I am going to the hospital.
B. I am working
C. She is a doctor.
8. ( ) A. They are at the bookstore.
B. He is at the post office.
C. Yes, I do.
9. ( ) A. I don’t like spiders.
B. Yes, I am.
C. No, I don’t.
10. ( )A. We are hanging lights.
B . I am tall.
C. We are students.
1. ( ) A. Where is the post office? B. What is he doing?
2. ( ) A. What are you doing? B . How many lights?
3. ( ) A. Where are you? B. Who is he?
4. ( ) A. May I help you? B. How long does it take?

I. 单词(Words) (共计20分)
A) 按要求完成下列各题。(10% ) ________ (反义词)
2.big _________(反义词)
3.light________ (变换一个字母变成另外一个单词)
5. dish ________ (复数)
6. balloon________(复数)
7. photo_________(复数)
8. play the ________ (弹钢琴)
9. smile _________(现在分词)
10. swim _________(现在分词)
B) 找出下列单词不同类的单词。 (10% )
1. ( ) A. pizza B. dumplings C. light D. cake
2. ( ) A. quick B. long C. short D. policeman
3. ( ) A. thirty B. pencil C. twenty D. fifty
4. ( ) A. bedroom B. candles C. dining room D. kitchen
5. ( ) A. hang B. smile C. take D. photos
( ) 1. How many ________?
A. apple B. candles C. dog
( ) 2. They are ________ photos.
A. sending B. having C. taking
( ) 3. Now turn ___________ the lights, please?
A. on B. in C. at
( ) 4. He is sleeping in the ________.
A. kitchen B. bathroom C. bedroom
( ) 5. she is cooking in the ______.
A. living room B. kitchen C. dining room
( ) 6. He is working in ______ room.
A. her B. my C. his
( ) 7. Do you like watching TV?
A. Yes, I don’t. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I do.
( ) 8.I want _______ this to China.
A. send B. to send C. sending
( ) 9. W here is the post office?
A. It’s over there. B. It’s nice. C. Thanks.
( ) 10. Where are the photos?
A. It’s on the desk.
B. they’re on the table.
C. They’re on the table.
Ⅲ 、连接相应的问句和答句。(10%)
1. Where is the bookstore? A. twenty.
2. How many dishes are there ? B. I don’t know.
3. Where are you? C. In the living room.
4.May I help you? D. They are making dumplings.
5. What are they doing? E. Yes, please.

16. I am reading a book. (对划线部分提问)

17. There are five spoons on the table . (对划线部分提问)
________ _______ ________ are there?
18. Do you have a cap? (作否定回答)

19. sleeping, he, is , bedroom, in , the (.) (连词成句)

20. I want to buy a cap. (变成否定句)

( ) Sorry, I don’t know.
( ) Excuse me, Where is the post office?
( ) Thank you.
( ) Oh, There is a policeman.
( ) You can ask him.
阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“ × ”。(5%)

Hello! This is the photo of my family. It’s on the wall. Look! This is my grandpa and grandma . They are farmers. My father is here. He’s a doctor. He’s strong. My mother is a teacher. She’s thin. Oh, this is my sister. She’s quiet. She’s 10. She’s a good student.
Who is he? Guess! Yes, it’s me. I like music and books.
1. I am a girl. ( )
2. My father is tall and strong. ( )
3. My sister is a good teacher. ( )
4. I like reading books and listening to the music. ( )
5. There are 5 members in my family. ( )

           Class_______ Name_______ Mark____ 

听力部分 (40%)
一 、听句子,选出你所听到的单词。(10%)
1.( ) over ask about
2.( ) many quickly here
3.( ) eating sleeping washing
4.( ) drive bike tired
5.( ) milk music smile
6.( ) watch clock  coaster
7.( ) working watching where
8.( )  robot hot cost
9.( ) bathroom dining room living room
10.( )   seventy--four eighty—five fifty--six

A. 7:20   B. 9:30   C 2:00  D. 2: 50  E : 10: 00

1. go to the park 2. watch TV 3. make robots 4. wash face 5. go to bed

1. ( ) It’s time to ____________.
A .go to the park . B . go swimming. C . go home.
2. ( )  How many balloons are there? ________.
A . fourty--two    B . twelve.    C .thirty--three.
3. ( )  Who is he? He is a _______________.
A. policeman.   B. doctor.    C. student.
4. ( )  What ‘s the matter ? I have a __________.
A. headache. B. toothache. C. stomachache.
5.( )   Which season do you like? I like _________.
A. spring. B. summer . C. sun.
1. ( ) A. It’s four thirty B. I am ten.
2. ( ) A. He is washing his face. B . She is eating.
3. ( ) A. In the bedroom.  B. To the book store.
4. ( ) A. Thank you  B. Me too.
5. ( )  A. It’s my birthday. B. It’s like New Year’s Day.
6. ( ) A. Yes, it is. B. No, is not.
7. ( ) A. I have a fever. B. I am cooking.
8. ( ) A. Yes, he can swim. B. No, he can swim.
9. ( ) A. It’s my uncle’s. B. It’s a chair.
10. ( ) A. They are lanterns. B It’s a picture.

I. 单词(Words) (共计20分)
A) 将下列词组补充完整。 ________ 2. how _________
3.very ________ 4. go _________
 5. wash ________
6. up ________ (反义词)
7. photo_________ (复数)
 8. it ________ (复数)
9. write _________(现在分词)
10. skate _________(现在分词)

B) 将下面的单词按要求归类。 (10% )
aunt fall uncle warm long short grandpa bedroom candles dining room kitchen winter summer photos dishes
亲戚称呼 _____________________________________________
季节 _____________________________________________
房间 _____________________________________________
( ) 1. What is he doing ? He’s _______in the living room.
A. play B. washing face C. playing
( ) 2. Where is the post office? It’s ________.
A. in the bedroom B. over there C. under the tree.
( ) 3. How long does it take? It ________ about 10 days.
A. takes B. take C. taking
( ) 4. He is sleeping in the ________.
A. kitchen B. bathroom C. bedroom
( ) 5. Where ________they going? They are _________ to the library..
A. are , going B. are , go C. do, going
( ) 6. She is working in ______ room.
A. her B. my C. his
( ) 7. Which _________ do you like? I like fall.
A. seasons B. season C. picture
( ) 8.We can _______ in summer.
A. swimming B. swim C. swims
( ) 9. We have snow ____ winter.
A. at B. 0n
( ) 10. What do you do _______ Spring Festival?
A. on B. in C. at

Ⅲ 、连接相应的问句和答句。(10%)
1. What is the matter? A. To the hospital.
2. Where are you going? B. I have a sick.
3. What is the Spring Festival? C. In the living room.
4.May I help you? D. It’s like New Year’s Day.
5. Where is Jim? E. I want to send this to China.
16. What do you do at night? (回答问题)


17. Do you like Spring? (回答问题)

18. Is it your bike? (作肯定回答)

19. is this your from aunt (.) (连词成句)

20. are ,making , dumplings , we , in the kitchen (连词成句)

( ) She have a fever. __________
( ) Let’s to ask him. ___________
( ) They is watching TV. ___________
( ) Time for go home. ____________
( ) He like playing football. __________
Ⅵ阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“ × ”。(5%)
Mike is my friend. He’s thirteen. He is English. We are in the same(同一个) school. But We are not in the same class. His father ,Mr. Black is a driver. He is forty. His mother is not a driver. She is a nurse. She is forty–three. Mike has a sister. Her name is Alice. She is twenty–two. She is a new teacher at our school.
1.John is my good friend. ( )
2.Mike and I are in the same class.( )
3.MrBlack is a worker. ( )
4.Alice is my friend’s sister. ( )
5.Alice is a student. ( )

一、A B A BC
二、1 Is it your birthday?
2 What are these?
3 You look beautiful.
4 What’s the matter?
5 What time is it?
三、1 No, it’s not.
2 You look sick.
3.That’s a good idea.
4 Thanks.
5 What’s the matter?
Jack: Hi, Kate.
Kate: Hi, Jack.
Jack: Are you busy today?
Kate: No, I’m not.
Jack: Let’s go to the park.
Kate: That’s a good idea. Let’s go.
Jack: I want to ride on the roller coaster.
Do you want to come with me?
Kate: No, I want to drive the bumper car.
It looks exciting.
Jack: The roller coaster is really fun, come on.
Kate: I’m sorry. I’m scared.

一、1.fever 2.surprise 3.grandma 4.robot 5.clock
6.afraid 8.roller coaster 9.bumper car 10.delicious
二、1.quiet 2.welcome 3.dumplings 4.lantern 5.matter
三、1. It’s Spring Festival.
2. Help yourself to dumplings.
3. At night we look at the lanterns.
4. I have a fever.
5. I want to drive the bumper car.
四、1.You look beautiful.
3.What are these?
4.They’re dumplings. Help yourself to dumplings.
5.How delicious!
6.What do you do on Spring Festival?
7.Well...we make dumplings.
8.At night we look at the lanterns.
9.Oh, look up there! It’s a lantern.
10.How wonderful!
一 、听句子,选出你所听到的单词。
About quickly eating tired milk
Coaster watching robot dining room fifty--six
1. I go to the park at 2: 50 .
2. I watch TV at 9:30 .
3. I make robots at 12:00.
4. I wash face at 7:20.
5. I go to bed at 10: 00
1. It’s time to go home.
2. How many balloons are there? Forty-two.
3. Who is he? He is a student.
4.What ‘s the matter ? I have a headache.
5. Which season do you like? I like summer.
1.What time is it? 2.What is he doing?
3. Where are you going? 4 Happy birthday!
5. What is Spring Festival? 6. Is it your birthday?
7. What are you doing? 8. Can you swim ?
9. Whose chair is it? 10. What are these ?