
puter D. fridge
( ) 2. A. read B. say C. cap D. draw
( ) 3. A. your B. she C. her D. his
( ) 4. A. smart B. nice C. lovely D. nine
五、将下列词组译成英语或汉语。 (10%)
1. 我的钱包 2. 新鞋子
3. 她的玩具狮子 4. 两支圆珠笔
5. 用英语 6. 又冷又饿
7. in which box 8. a glass of hot milk
9. give him a picture 10. your five fat dogs
( ) 1. —That’s monkey, I think
—Yes, it’s monkey
A. your, my B. your, his C. I'd like
( ) 2. How old ________your grandmother?
A .are B. is C. am
( ) 3. —Where's my pen?
A. It's over there. B. It's my pen. C. Yes, it is .
( ) 4. Do you like that ?
A. a ruler B. balloons C. puppet
( ) 5. I have a copybook Su Yang?
A. May; for B. Do; to C. Do; for
( ) 6. This isn’t my coat. It’s my .
A .teacher B. teachers C. teacher’s
( ) 7. I go to school seven the morning.
A. on; in B. at; in C. at; on
( ) 8. a pretty little girl!
A. How B. What C. Is
( ) 9. —What’s in your desk?
— .
A. It’s a copybook B. I’ve got a copybook C. No, it isn’t.
( ) 10. — I’m tired.
— .
A. Here’s some water B. Sit down, please. C. Have a pie
( ) 11. (she) is an English girl. (she) hair is long.
A. She; she B. She; Her C. she; her
( ) 12. The new pen and the bookmark (be) for the girl.
A. are B. is C. be
( ) 1. 当别人想进你的房间时,你可以说:
A. May I come in ? B. Come in, please C. All right.
( ) 2. 当你妈妈饿了时,你可以说:
A. Here’s a pie for you.
B. Here’s a cup of tea for you.
C. Why don’t you go to bed, Mum?
( ) 3. 你在教室里吃零食时,老师看见了,会对你说:
A. Eat in the classroom.
B. You can eat in the classroom.
C. Don’t eat in the classroom.
( ) 4. 当你进入商店告诉营业员想买一个玩具熊猫时,你可以说:
A. The panda is nice. B. I’d like a panda.
C. That’s a lovely panda.
( ) 5. 你想询问现在几点,你可以说:
A. What’s this, please? B. What’s the time, please?
C. What time is that, please?
( ) 6. 你想询问某人身体是不是不舒服时,你可以说:
A. Who are you? B. What’s that? C . What’s the matter?
(A) 阅读短文,判断对错,正确的用“T”表示,不正确的用“F”表示。 (4%)
Shopkeeper: Can I help you?
Woman: I’d like a scarf.
Shopkeeper: OK. What about this one?
Woman: It’s pretty, but it’s too long. I’d like that one.
Shopkeeper: OK, here you are.
Woman: I’d like a pair of jeans too.
Shopkeeper: Sure. What about this pair?
Woman: Can I try them on?
Shopkeeper: Yes, of course.
Woman: I like the colour, but they’re too short.
( ) 1. The woman would like a new scarf.
( ) 2. The woman would like a long scarf.
( ) 3. The woman likes the colour of the jeans.
( ) 4. The jeans are too long.
(B) 根据上下文和首字母提示完成对话。 (6%)
It’s one forty in the afternoon. The students are having an English class.
Mike: Sorry, Mr Green. I’m late. M I come in?
Mr Green: Come in, please. D be late again.
Mike: Yes, Mr Green.
Mr Green: Now o your books, boys and girls.
Students: Yes, Mr Green.
Mr Green: Mike, please s up and r the new words.
Mike: Yes, Mr Green.
Mr Green: Very good, Mike. S______ down, please.
a lovely , I think.
Do you like pencil case? ,I don’t
do you watch TV?
Whose are they? It’s so .
the matter? I’m .
A:Good morning, Su Hai.
B:Good morning, Nancy.
A:What’s this?
B:It’s a green umbrella.
A:Is this your umbrella?
B:No, it isn’t. I think it’s Su Yang’s.
A:Where’s your sister。
B:She’s in the computer room.
A:May I have this umbrella for her?
B:Sure. Here you are.
( )1. The umbrella is green.
( )2. It’s Su Hai’s umbrella.
( )3. Su Hai’s sister is in the classroom.
( )4. It’s in the morning.
( )5. Nancy wants to give(想要给)the umbrella to Su Yang.