

A. cold B. thin C. long E. big
hot ( ) small ( ) short( ) fat( )
1.( )---- What language 语言do they speak in America? ------They speak_______
A. Chinese B. English C. American
2.( ) Let’s _____ an English newspaper
A. make B .made C. making
3.( ) Will you see Big Ben? ______
A. Yes, h e will B. Yes, I will C. Yes, I will not
4.( ) He is going to____ to England
A.go B. went C .going
5.( ) Hainan is in the___ of China
A. east B. south C. north
6. ( ) -----Where is Shanghai? ------ It’s _____ the south of Qingdao
A. to B. in C. on
7.( ) I ____ going to visit Granddad’s farm
A. is B. am C. are
8.( ) ----Where will you go? ----I _________
A. going to America B. will go to Canada C.am going to go to America
三、选择答语,连线 。
1.Where will you go? A Because they are cute
2.Why do you love kangaroos? B Yes, she does
3.Does she live in New York? C He is going to write the reports
4.What is he going to do? D It’s in the south of China
5.Where is Hangzhou? E I will go to London
Tomorrow is Saturday, Let’s have a class party. We will go to a park . The park is to the north of school. It’s very big and beautiful . We can play football. We can fly our kite. Sam is going to go skating and Amy will tell us a story(故事), Mr Li , our English teacher will play the guitar. We will go there at nine o’clock.
1) Tomorrow is _________
A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Tuesday.
2) Is the park big? ____
A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t C. No, it’s small
3) What will Sam do? He will ________-
A. swim B. go skating C. go home
4) Mr li is our ___________ teacher
A. Chinese B. English C.math
5) We will go there at _____-- o’clock
A. 9 B.8 C. 7