牛津6A Unit1~Unit2测试卷及听力答案

班级____________ 姓名____________ 得分_____________
( )1、A. h*** B. h***e C. has D. his
( )2、A. grass B. class C. glass D. glad
( )3、A. day B. date C. dad D. today
( )4、A. April B. app*** C. August D. third
( )5、A. January B. June C. July D. jean
( )6、A. litt*** B. litt*** C. lift D. ***ft
二、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(听两遍)(12分)
( )1、A. May I speak to Miss Li ?
B. May I speak to Mr Li ?
C.May I speak to Mrs Li ?
( )2、A. What would you like as a birthday party ?
B. What would you like as a birthday present ?
C.What would you like to as a birthday present ?
( )3、A. Let’s wait to see .
B.Let’s wait and see .
C.Let wait to see .

( )4、A. I like a glass of wat*** .
B. I’d like a glass of wat*** .
C. I like to a glass of wat*** .
( )5、A. What does this mean ?
B. What do this mean ?
C. What does this sign mean ?
( )6、A. They are from diff***ent countries .
B. We are from diff***ent countries .
C. You are from diff***ent countries .
三、 听录音,将下列句子补充完整。(听两遍)(12分)
1、A: What ________ ________ ________ today ?
B: It’s __________ .
2、A: What ________ you ________ ________ a ________ present ?
B: ________ ________ a yo-yo .
3、A: What does this sign ________ ?
B: It ________ we shouldn’t walk on the grass .
一、判定画线部分读音是否相同 ,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。(6分)
1. play 2. yellow 3. break
stay flow*** breakfast

4. June 5. Novemb*** 6. public
July Octob*** must
1. 散步______________ 2.禁止停车______________
3. 很多题目______________ 4.举行一次生日聚会______________
5. 放学后 ___________ 6.as a birthday present ________________
7. make noise____________ 8. the bird’s cage ______________
9. some cakes with strawb***ries ____________________________ 10. Let’s wait and see . __________________________
1. I’d (完全形式) ___________ 2. two (序数词) __________
3. fish (复数) ________________ 4. us (主格) ___________
5. smoking (动词原形)___________ 6. run(现在分词) ___________
7. can’t (完全形式)____________ 8. do(第三人称单数) __________
( ) 1. Jack always ________a lot of questions .
A. is B. has C. have D. am
( ) 2. Look at the sign.You ________walk on the grass .
A. may B. shouldn’t C. should D. must
( ) 3. Th***e ________a desk and two chairs .
A. am B. is C. are D. has
( ) 4. -What________ is it today ?
-It’s Sunday .
A. date B. day C. time D. does
( ) 5. It’s the ________of March .
A. one B. 1th C. first D. 2th
( ) 6. __________is the first day of a week .
A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Monday D. Saturday
( ) 7. Teach***s’ Day is in ___________ .
A. January B. Octob*** C. February D. Septemb***
( ) 8. Mike would_____ some stamps______ a birthday present .
A. like , to B. want , for C. like , as D. want , as
( ) 9. Would you like __________my birthday party ?
A. to come B. to come to C. come D. come to
( ) 10. It’s hot . ___________ your coat .
A. Turn off B. Put on C. Take on D. Take off
1. She is asking Ben some q __________ .
2. My b __________ is on the 10th of Septemb*** .
3. The sign m ________ “Dang***”.
4. Th***e are three p _________ in my family .
5. What would you like a ______ a birthday present ?
1. What’s the date today ? (改为同义句)
What ______ is ______ today ?
2. It’s time for breakfast . (改为同义句)
It’s ______ ______ ______ breakfast .
3. It’s the second of June . (对划线部分提问)
What ______ is it today ?
4. I’d like some cartoons as my birthday present . (对划线部分提问)
______ ______ you like ______ ______ ______ ______ ?
5.It means “ No eating or drinking ” . (对划线部分提问)
______ ______ ______ ______ ?
6.It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass . (改为同义句)
It means ‘ ______ ______ ______ ______’ .
( ) 1. What would you like as a A . It’s the first of Octob*** .
birthday present ?
( ) 2. What does this sign mean ? B. It’s Monday .
( ) 3. What day is it today ? C. Nice to meet you .
( ) 4. What date is it today ? D. I’d like a toy car .
( ) 5. When’s your birthday ? E. My birthday is on the
first of Octob*** .
( ) 6. Nice to meet you . F. It means we shouldn’t walk on the grass .
例: cake egg glass
(蛋糕) (鸡蛋) (玻璃杯)
游戏规则:1. 用前一个单词的最后一个字母作为后一个单词的首字母。
2. 要写出中文意思。
3. 单词不能重复。
4. 每往后接一个单词即得1分,满分为10分。

1、 h*** 2、 glass 3、date 4、 April 5、 July 6、 litt***
二、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(听两遍)
1、May I speak to Mrs Li ?
2、What would you like as a birthday present ?
3、Let’s wait and see .
4、I’d like a glass of wat*** .
5、What does this sign mean ?
6、They are from diff***ent countries .
1、A: What day is it today ?
B: It’s Tuesday.
2、A: What would you like as a birthday present ?
B: I’d like a yo-yo .
3、A: What does this sign mean ?
B: It means we shouldn’t walk on the grass .
一、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B
二、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A
三、1. day is it Tuesday 2. would like as birthday I’d like 3. mean means