6A六年级英语上学期 Unit 3测试卷及听力答案

班级___________ 姓名_____________得分___________
( )1. A. Octob*** B. Decemb*** C. Novemb***
( )2. A. fifth B. fifteenth C. fiftieth
( )3. A. phone B. earphone C. te***phone
( )4. A. diary B. library C. February
( )5. A. blow B. grow C. brown
( )6. A. isB. asC. us
( )7. A. 1月13日 B. 2月14日 C. 2月13日
( )8. A. near the ballB. in your bagC. und*** the bed
( )9. A. They are on the ground.
B. Are they on the ground?C. They aren’t on the ground.
( )10. A. The phone is on the sofa now.
B. The phone was on the desk just now.
C. The phone is on the desk now.
( )1. A. Yes, I can. B. No, he can’t. C. No, he doesn’t.
( )2. A. Yes, th***e aren’t.B. No, th***e aren’t. C. Yes, th***e is.
( )3. A. Sorry, I can’t. B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, I am.
( )4. A. It was th***e. B. They w***e th***e. C. It isn’t th***e now.
( )5. A. They w***e in the desk.B. It was on the desk. C. It’s und*** the desk.
( )1. Wh***e is the English book?
A. In the bag.B. In the desk.C. On the desk.
( )2. What does this sign mean?
A. It means you shouldn’t make noise h***e.
B. It means you shouldn’t put your bike h***e.
C. It means you should keep off the grass.
( )3. What day is it today?
A. Monday.B. Sunday.C. Saturday.
( )4. What time is it?
A. 9:00.B. 9:30.C. 8:00.
( )5. Wh***e was Mike just now?
A. In the teach***s’ office.B. In the classroom.C. In the library.

1. It ____________ h***e a ___________ ago, wh***e is it now ?
2. All the _____________ are v***y _____________.
3. Su Hai wants to ____________ some __________.
4. She is _____________ ____________ h*** cam***a.
5. They ____________ th***e _____________ now.
1. breakfast bread ( ) 2.rememb***cam***a ( )
3. ago roll ( ) 4.bear near ( )
5. film tig*** ( ) 6.th***e wh***e ( )
( )1. — What’s in the garden?
—Th***e ________ a lot of flow***s.
A. wasB. w***eC. isD. are
( )2. My socks are on the floor. P***ase _______for me.
A. pick them upB. pick it upC. pick up themD. pick up it
( )3. The boys and girls are _______ the running race in the playground.
A. lookingB. watchingC. seeingD. getting
( ) 4 . Su Hai wants _________ football.
A . playing B . to play C . playD. to playing
( ) 5 . It h***e now .
A . wasn’t B . w***en’t C . isn’t D. aren’t
( )6. — Wh***e are your ________?
—They _________ on the bookcase a moment ago.
A. CDs; areB. CDs; w***eC. CD; w***eD. CD; are
( )7. New Year’s Day is _______ the first of January.
A. onB. atC. inD. with
( )8 . It was th***e .
A . now B . a moment ago C . moment agoD. just
( )9 . Grandpa ________ wat***s flow***s at weekends.
A. quicklyB. suddenlyC. lovelyD. usually
( )10. It’s time some wat*** .
A. to have B. have C. hasD. having
1. 刚才_______________________ 2. a roll of film _______________________
3. 所有的学生_________________4. watch the running race _______________
5. 一部手机 __________________ 6. close the eyes ______________________
7. 在我的包里 8. pick them up _______________________
9. 在眼镜后面__________________ 10. Sports Day ________________________
1.The _______________ (child, children) are v***y excited.
2.Jane is ______________ (reading, read) a newspap***.
3.My cousin ______________ (have, has) a CD Walkman.
4.Wh***e are the _______________? (glass, glasses)
5.It means we should ______________ ( keep, keeps) quiet.
6.My fath*** likes _______________ (listen, listening) to the radio.
7.He***n often __________________ (does, do) housework at the weekends.
8.It ________________ (was, w***e ) th***e a moment ago.
1. They’re having an English ***sson. (改为否定句 )
They ___________ _____________ an English ***sson.
2. The doctors and nurses are in the hospital. (对画线部分提问)
___________ __________the doctors and nurses?
3. Tom usually goes shopping on Sundays.(改为一般疑问句)
_________ Tom usually _______ shopping on Sundays?
4. It’s Friday today. (对画线部分提问) ________ _________ is it today?
5. wants, take, to, He, to, photos, some (连词成句)
6. W***e they in your bag just now?(作否定回答) _________, they _________.
六、完成对话 (5分)
A: Wh***e’s my cam***a?
B: ____________________.
A: Let me see. No! It isn’t h***e.
A. Wh***e are the films?
B. It was th***e a moment ago.
C. It’s in your bag.
D. They w***e h***e just now.
E. They’re in my bag.
B: ___________________________ Wh***e is it now?
A: Is it in your bag?
B: Let me see. Oh, yes, it is.
A: _______________________
B: _______________________
A: Can I have them, p***ase?
B: Oh, no! They aren’t in my bag._______________________
1. --你的眼镜在哪?--在台灯后面。--现在不在那。--刚才在那的。--哦,我找到了。瞧, 他们在桌子底下。
---Wh***e are your ? ---They’re the lamp.
---They th***e now. ---They th***e .
---Oh, I find them now. Look! the desk..

2. ---吉姆,你在干什么?---我在找我的耳机。我想听音乐。 ---在你的卧室的书桌上。
--- What are you doing, Jim?
--- I’m ________ _______ my earphones. I _______ to _______to music.
--- _________ on the desk in your ____________.
Come and see my sitting room, p***ase. Th***e are a lot of things in it. Look!This is a pair of glasses. They’re on the chair now. They’re my grandpa’s. That’s my fath***’s mobi*** phone, it’s on the sofa now, but it was in his bag just now. And the CD Walkman beside the mobi*** phone is v***y beautiful. My moth*** likes it v***y much. Because(由于)she likes listening to music. Th***e are some CDs beside it. Oh, wh***e’s my diary? Ah, it’s on the floor now. I must go and pick it up .
( )1. This is a bedroom.
( )2. My grandmoth***’s glasses are on the chair.
( )3. The mobi*** phone is in the bag now.
( )4. Th***e is a CD Walkman . My moth*** likes it v***y much.
( )5. My diary is on the floor. I should pick it up.
It is the 8th of Septemb***. Lily is v***y excited because it is h*** ten-year-old birthday. She’ll have a birthday party at home. Look! She is now in a new blouse. She looks so pretty today. Th***e is a big birthday cake on the tab***. Many of h*** friends are coming. Th***e are lots of birthday presents on the sofa. Ann gives h*** some Am***ican stamps and French stamps. They are v***y beautiful. Yang Ling gives h*** a rubb***. It’s a ***. Look at that red purse. It’s from nancy. How nice! Lily likes h*** presents v***y much!
( )1. When’s Lily’s birthday?
A. It’s in August.B. It’s on the 8th of Septemb***.
C. It’s on the 10th of July.
( )2. How does Lily feel today?
A. She feels v***y excited.B. She feels v***y hungry.C. She feels v***y tired.
( )3. Wh***e does she have h*** birthday party?
A. At school.B. At home.C. In the classroom.
( )4. What does Ann give Lily as h*** birthday present?
A. Some Am***ican stamps.B. Some French stamps.C. A and B.
( )5. What shape is the rubb***?
A. It’s a ***.B. It’s a star.C. It’s a circ***.

1. You shouldn’t _____________ (walk) on the grass.
2. We ____________ (be) in Beijing a week ago.
3. The sign ____________ (mean) you can’t litt*** h***e.
4. Many children like ____________ (play) basketball aft*** school.
5. — Which is the ________ (two) month(月) of a year?
— February.
6. — Is she a Japanese girl?
— No, she’s a ___________ (China) girl.
7. — Do you want to play chess this aft***noon?
— No, I want to watch a ___________ (run) race in our school.
9.— Would you like ___________ (play) tab*** tennis with me now?
— Yes, I’d love to.
1. Octob*** 2. fiftieth 3. earphone 4. diary 5. brown 6. as
7. the thirteenth of January 8. in your bag
9. They aren’t on the ground. 10. The phone was on the desk just now.
1. Does he often play football aft*** school?
2. Are th***e any comput***s in the library?
3. Can you swim?
4. Wh***e w***e your glasses?
5. Wh***e’s my doll?
1. A: Wh***e is my English book?B: Look. It’s on the desk.
2. A: What does this sign mean?B: It means “Be quiet”.
3. A: Tomorrow is Sunday. It’s my birthday.
B: Happy birthday.
4. A: Can I have an ice-cream?
B: No, you can’t. It’s half past nine. It’s time to go to bed.
5. A: W***e you in the teach***s’ office just now, Mike?
B: No, I wasn’t. I was in the library.
1. It was h***e a moment ago ,wh***e is it now ?
2. All the students are v***y excited.
3. Su Hai wants to take some photos.
4. She is looking for h*** cam***a.
5. They w***e th***e just now.
四、1. was, moment 2. students, excited 3. take, photos
4. looking, for 5. w***e, just
三、1. just now/a moment ago 2. 一卷胶卷 3. all the students 4. 看跑步比赛
5. a mobi*** phone 6. 闭上眼睛 7. in my bag 8. 在地上
9. behind the glasses 10. 运动日
四、1. children 2. reading 3. has 4. glasses
5. keep 6. listening 7. does 8. was
五、1. aren’t having 2. Wh***e are 3. Does go 4. What day
5. He wants to take some photos. 6. No, w***en’t
七、1. glasses, behind, aren’t, w***e, just, now, They’re, und***
2. looking, for, want, listen, They’re, bedroom
八、×××√√, BABCA
1. walk 2. w***e 3. means 4. playing 5. second 6. Chinese 7. running
8. to play