
1.打棒球_______________ 2.成立一支棒球队____________________
3.打得很好_____________ 4.take...into____________ 5.put…in_______________ 6.a book about America________________ 7.look very interesting________________ 8.太空旅行________________ 9.把……发送进太空_______________ 13.在树上____________
10.their favourite team_____________ 12.棒球帽_____________
14.in the spaceship_______________ 15.骑自行车_____________
1.give(过去式)_______ 2.send(过去式)_______ 3.interesr(形容词)_________ 4. travel(现在分词)__________ 5.family(复数)________ 6.watch(第三人称单数)_________ 7.ride(过去式)__________ 8.one(同音词)________ 9.America(形容词)_________ 10.for(同音词)___________ 11.say(过去式)_________ 12.one(序数词)_______ 13.take(过去式)________ 14.buy(过去式)________ 15.ate(动词原形)______16.win(过去式)______
17.pass(第三人称单数)__________ 18.China(形容词) _________ 19.am/is(过去式)________ 20.read(过去式)__________
( )1.Who_____it to you? A. gave B. give C .giving
( )2.It’s_______ playing baseball. A. to B. go C. for
( )3.Daming’s family gave it_______ me. A. to B. go C. for
( )4.And I bought these______my friends. A. to B.go C.for
( )5.And now we can______a baseball team. A. having B. had C.have
( )6.That one is for_____little brother. A.Sam’s B.Sam C. Sams’
( )7.You can’t have this one___you can have that one. A. and B.but C.or
( )8.Russia sent______firsr animal into space. A. the B.a C, ×( )9.This book _______interesting. A. see B. look C. looks
( )10.Please_______me a bicycle. A. bought B. buy C. buys
( )11.Sam, I bought you a book______Canada. A. about B.to C.for
( )12. They are for______water. A. drink B.drinking C. drank
( )13. It can take men_______space. A. on B. into C. at
( )14. He is in China_______his family. A.at B.in C.with
( )15.What’s the book________? A. in B. for C. about
( )16. Please give the book______her. A. for B.to C.with
( )17. I’ll buy a pen______my sister. A. . for B.to C.with
( )18. These caps are_______playing baseball. A. to B.for C. on
( )19. Don’t ____the book on the floor. A. put B. putting C. to put
( )20. Russia sent the first animal_____space. A. in B.to C.into
1、Now we can have________________________(一支棒球队)
2.I bought some_____________________(棒球帽)
3. Can I___________________________(拥有这顶帽子)?
4. We ate hot dogs and_____________________(喝可乐).
5. This___________________________(美国宇宙飞船)took a man into space.
6._______________(俄罗斯)sent _______________(第一只动物) into space.
7.Daming and Simon_____________(骑自行车)to___________________(观看棒球赛)last Sunday.
8. The book _______________________(看起来很有趣).